Coming Soon!If you select the Remove Permissions action for a policy, you need to complete additional configuration when you add data sources that support permissions. In order for SkySync to remove permissions, you must specify from whom and which permissions should be removed.
Open the policy that contains the data source you need to configure.
Click the View link in the configuration notification (or navigate to the Data sources page within the policy).
Select Configure next to the data source you need to configure.
The configure actions modal appears. It displays all tracking groups that contain actions that require configuration.
Select Edit for the tracking group action you want to configure.
Additional fields display for the tracking group action.
The Remove permissions from field defaults to Group. Use the list to select User if you want to remove the permissions from a specific user instead.
Based on your selection, the window below will display all the groups or users on the data source. Select the group or user. (Use the Search option to search for a specific group or user.)
Use the Permissions to remove list to select if you want to remove All Permissions or All Write permissions.
Select Apply changes.
Select Done on the Configure actions modal.
Understanding Permission Inheritance Restrictions
Not all platforms support breaking permission inheritance. Permission inheritance will be broken if the platform supports breaking inheritance. If breaking inheritance is not supported by the platform, the action will be skipped, and the restriction will be noted.