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On This Page

Table of Contents



In the following examples, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.

List the Connections





platform, p

Storage platform


search, q

Search text



Only retrieve active connections



Only retrieve connection pools. If this switch is not included, both connections and connection pools will be returned



Search offset




Search page size



Example 1: List all the connections

In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  


Code Block
skysync-cli connections list

Example Results

Code Block
ID                               Name        Platform    Enabled IsPool  PoolName
5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950 My Computer My Computer true            TestPool
d8b3254ad46c4aa4929f478dd0d3c51d TestPool    My Computer true    true

Example Results (JSON)

Code Block
    "id": "5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950",
    "name": "My Computer",
    "platform": {
      "name": "My Computer",
      "id": "fs"
    "pool": {
      "name": "TestPool",
      "id": "d8b3254ad46c4aa4929f478dd0d3c51d"
    "id": "d8b3254ad46c4aa4929f478dd0d3c51d",
    "name": "TestPool",
    "platform": {
      "name": "My Computer",
      "id": "fs"
    "group": true

Example 2: List Box connections

In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  


Code Block
skysync-cli connections list -p box

Example 3: List active connections

In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  


Code Block
skysync-cli connections list --active

Example 4: List connections with "test" in their name

In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  


Code Block
skysync-cli connections list --search test


Code Block
skysync-cli connections list -q "test"

Example 5: List the connections skipping the first 5

In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  


Code Block
skysync-cli connections list --offset=5

Show a Connection

This command will show the details of the specified connection.






The ID of the connection for which details will be shown


In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  The parameters within the two curly braces (including the braces) will need to be replaced with valid values.

Command with Variables

Code Block
skysync-cli connections show {{id}}

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections show 5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950

Example Results

Code Block
ID       5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950
Name     My Computer
Platform My Computer
Enabled  true

Example Results (JSON)

Code Block


    "id": "5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950",

    "name": "My Computer",

    "platform": {

      "name": "My Computer",

      "id": "fs"




If the ID entered does not correspond to an existing connection, for example, if the connection was already deleted, the expected output is the following.

Expected Results

Code Block
Enabled true

Expected Results (JSON)

Code Block

List the Platforms

The platform ID is required to create a connection.  To retrieve the full list of available platforms, run the following command.  In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.


Code Block
skysync-cli connections platforms

Example Results

Code Block
ID                Name                               Enabled
box               Box                                   Y
fs                My Computer                           Y
nfs               Network File System                   Y
onedrive          Microsoft OneDrive                    Y
sharepoint        Microsoft SharePoint                  Y
onedrive-business Microsoft OneDrive for Business       Y    
office365         Microsoft Office 365                  Y

Example Results (JSON)

Code Block
    "id": "box",
    "name": "Box"
    "id": "fs",
    "name": "My Computer"
    "id": "nfs",
    "name": "Network File System"
    "id": "onedrive",
    "name": "Microsoft OneDrive"
    "id": "sharepoint",
    "name": "Microsoft SharePoint"
    "id": "onedrive-business",
    "name": "Microsoft OneDrive for Business"
    "id": "office365",
    "name": "Microsoft Office 365"

Show a Platform

This command will show the details of the specified platform.






The ID of the connection for which details will be shown


In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  The parameters within the two curly braces (including the braces) will need to be replaced with valid values.

Command with Variables

Code Block
skysync-cli connections platforms {{id}}

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections platforms nfs

Example Results

Code Block
ID      nfs
Name    Network File System
Enabled Y

Example Results (JSON)

Code Block
    "id": "nfs",
    "name": "Network File System"

Create a Connection

This command provides the ability to create a connection.





platform, p

Storage platform



Connection name


auth-input, in

Read authentication JSON from stdin



auth-file, file

The authentication JSON file


Example 1: Create a Box connection providing the authentication from the stdin

In this example, a connection to Box will be created. The command below returns a link you need to open in a Web browser. This will take you to the Box login page where you will provide the authentication information and grant SkySync access to the account. Once you grant the authorization, the new connection will exist in the Connections list.

Command with Variables

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add --platform=box --name=BoxConnection1

Box Login


Example 2: Create an NFS connection providing the authentication from a file

In this example, a connection to a network file system will be created providing the authentication from a JSON file.  The SkySync authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  The parameters within the two curly braces (including the braces) will need to be replaced with valid values.

Command with Variables

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add --platform=nfs --name={{optionalConnectionName}} --auth-file={{authFile}}.json

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add --platform=nfs --name=NFSConnection2 --auth-file=NFSConnection2.json

Contents of NFSConnection2.json

Code Block
  "username": "{{username}}",
  "password": "{{password}}",
  "uri": "\\\\{{serverName}}\\{{shareName}}",
  "versioning": true   

Note that the uri has the backslashes escaped.  

Example Results

Code Block
ID       213e6621d3594903b73d0799abde09e6
Name     NFSConnection2
Platform Network File System
Enabled  true

Example Results (JSON)

Code Block
    "id": "86e7c5c398fd4607a28dbbff80c69849",
    "name": "NFSConnection2",
    "platform": {
      "name": "Network File System",
      "id": "nfs"

Example 3: Create a Box connection providing the authentication from a file

In this example, a connection to Box will be created providing the authentication from a JSON file.  The SkySync authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  The parameters within the two curly braces (including the braces) will need to be replaced with valid values.

Command with Variables

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add --platform=box --name={{optionalConnectionName}} --auth-file={{authFile}}.json

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add --platform=box --name=BoxConnection2 --auth-file=connections/BoxConnection2.json

To utilize Box Authentication via a Box Service Account, follow the steps outline at Creating a Box (Service Account)

Contents of BoxConnection2.json

Code Block
  "public_key_id": "{{boxPublicKey}}",
  "client_id": "{{boxClientID}}",
  "client_secret": "{{boxClientSecret}}",
  "user_id": "{{boxUserId}}",
  "password": "{{boxPassword}}",
  "private_key": "{{boxPrivateKey}}"

Example Results

Code Block
ID       75268591b32b46f2895fb97a368701be
Name     BoxConnection2
Platform Box
Enabled  true

Example Results (JSON)

Code Block
    "id": "75268591b32b46f2895fb97a368701be",
    "name": "BoxConnection2",
    "platform": {
      "name": "Box",
      "id": "box"

Example 4: Create a OneDrive for Business connection providing the authentication from a file

In this example, a connection to OneDrive for Business will be created providing the authentication from a JSON file.  The SkySync authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  The parameters within the two curly braces (including the braces) will need to be replaced with valid values.

Command with Variables

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add -p onedrive-business --name {{optionalConnectionName}} --auth-file {{authFile}}.json

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add -p onedrive-business --name ODFBConnection1 --auth-file connections/odfb-connection-1.json

Contents of odfb-connection-1.json

Code Block
  "username": "{{odfb-username}}",
  "password": "{{odfb-password}}",
  "uri": "{{odfb-uri}}",
  "versioning": true   

The URI contains a portion of the username.  Ensure you specify the correct URI to obtain expected results.

Example Contents of odfb-connection-1.json

Code Block
  "username": "",
  "password": "user-odfb-password",
  "uri": "",
  "versioning": true   

Example Results

Code Block
ID       cda8231a40364724bc8581a264670e09
Name     Microsoft OneDrive for Business (
Platform Microsoft OneDrive for Business
Enabled  true

Example Results (JSON)

Code Block
    "id": "cda8231a40364724bc8581a264670e09",
    "name": "Microsoft OneDrive for Business (",
    "platform": {
      "name": "Microsoft OneDrive for Business",
      "id": "onedrive-business"

Example 5: Create a Syncplicity connection providing the authentication from a file

In this example, a connection to Syncplicity will be created providing the authentication from a JSON file.  The SkySync authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  The parameters within the two curly braces (including the braces) will need to be replaced with valid values.

Command with Variables

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add -p syncplicity --name {{optionalConnectionName}} --auth-file {{authFile}}.json

Command with Examples

Code Block
skysync-cli connections add -p syncplicity --name SyncplicityConnection1 --auth-file connections/syncplicity-connection-1.json

Contents of syncplicity-connection-1.json

Code Block
  "client_id": "{{syncplicity_client_id}}",
  "client_secret": "{{syncplicity_client_secret}}",
  "app_token": "{{syncplicity_app_token}}",
  "admin_mode": "{{admin_mode}}"

The admin_mode parameter is optional and should be set to true if admin mode is desired.

Example Results

Code Block
ID       cda8231a40364724bc8581a264670e09
Name     SyncplicityConnection1
Platform Syncplicity
Enabled  true

Example Results (JSON)

Code Block
    "id": "cda8231a40364724bc8581a264670e09",
    "name": "SyncplicityConnection1",
    "platform": {
      "name": "Syncplicity",
      "id": "syncplicity"

Add a Connection to a Connection Pool

This command assigns a connection to a connection pool.  A connection can only be assigned to one pool.  If the connection was previously assigned to a different pool, running this command with a different pool will cause it to be removed from the original pool.





ID of the connection to be assigned to a pool



Name of new or existing connection pool



ID of an existing connection pool



Code Block
skysync-cli connections pool assign {id} [name] [pool]

Example 1: Assign a connection to a new or existing connection pool by name

If the named connection pool does not already exist, it will first be created.

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections pool assign 5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950 --name TestPool

Example 2: Assign a connection to an existing connection pool by id

If a connection pool does not exist with the specified id, an error will be thrown.

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections pool assign 5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950 --pool d8b3254ad46c4aa4929f478dd0d3c51d

Remove a Connection from a Connection Pool

This command removes a connection from a connection pool.  Connection pool information does not need to be specified.  Once this command is run, the connection will not be attached to any pools.





ID of the connection to be removed from a connection pool



Code Block
skysync-cli connections pool unassign {id}

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections pool unassign 5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950

Delete a Connection

This command will delete the specified connection






The ID of the connection to be deleted


In the following example, the authentication parameters are provided within the configuration file.  See the authentication section for more information.  The parameters within the two curly braces (including the braces) will need to be replaced with valid values.

Command with Variables

Code Block
skysync-cli connections delete {{id}}

Command with Example Values

Code Block
skysync-cli connections delete 5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950

If the ID entered does not correspond to an existing connection, for example, if the connection was already deleted, the expected output is the following.

Expected Results

Code Block
The connection could not be deleted.


The response is only available in the default format.  If JSON output is specified, no output will be provided.