The "Convention Exclusions" option is specific to Master jobs and will be there regardless of the connectors used. In order to utilize this you will need to click on "Exclusions", which will list all of the folders available in the source selected. Once you have done this you will want to select either "include selected" or "exclude selected", as this will determine how the folders will be treated.
Excluded Selected means that child jobs will not be created for the folders selected, however new folders created will still have child jobs created for them.
Include Selected, means that only the folders selected will have child jobs created for them. Additionally if new folders are created new child jobsĀ will not beĀ created for them.
When using "Include Selected" you will also have the ability to use "Inclusion Pattern", which allows you to select a range of folders based on the first letter of the folder name. For example an inclusion pattern of a-c will mean that all folders starting with the letters A,B and C will have a child job created for them. Additionally you can simply enter a letter example "T" in which case every folder starting with the letters T,U,V,W,X,Y, and Z will have child jobs created. This pattern does not work with folders starting with a number and cannot be combined with manually checking other folders. If a more specific mix of folders needs to be selected then it is advised to either manually select them or use a ".csv import" which is explained below.
Import/Export to .CSV File