The icon set on the right side of the modal allows you to specify which columns display on the page. For columns you want to display that may contain sensitive information, you can control how the information displays. Click the icon that corresponds with the display option you want to use. Again, you can set the display preference at the category level or for each entity type under a category. If you hide a category, all entity types under that category will be hidden unless you select to have individual entities display.
Icon | Description |
Show raw value: This setting indicates you want the column to show. The column will display the raw value from the file. This means the column will display the information exactly as it appears in the file. | |
Show/Hide: This setting will present icons that allows you toggle the content of the column on and off. When hidden, the content will be masked as periods. Click the eye icon to view the actual value. When the content is visible, you can click the eye icon with the line through it to hide the values. | |
Redacted: This setting allows you to include the column and see that the entity type returned information, but the actual value cannot be viewed. Instead you will see a green check mark if the entity was found in the file and a dash if it wasn’t found in the file. | |
Hidden: This setting hides the column. The only way to view the column will be to edit the settings to include it. |