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The Overview provides a dashboard of what's been happening across all your migration content. The information does not include jobs in progress--only completed runs. The top section identifies the total number of jobs in the platform, the number of job runs that have executed, the total size of all analyzed content, and the total size of the content DryvIQ resolved (moved, flagged, etc.).

The Important next steps section identifies the number of flagged items (items that didn't transfer automatically). The items awaiting instruction should be reviewed to ensure the DryvIQ jobs are running as expected. You can click the Flagged items link to go to the flagged items page to review the items.

The charts provide a visual breakdown of the information. The graph on the left presents a global view of all flagged items. It identifies the number of items that didn't transfer because a policy set for the jobs indicated they should be ignored, and it identifies the number of items DryvIQ will retry to transfer. The flagged items awaiting instruction are listed in this graph, too. The percentages indicate what percentage each category makes up of the overall content that was not transferred. Click Manage flagged items to go to the Flagged items page. 

The graph on the right provides insights into the number of jobs that have met their stop policies (entered a completed status). It also identifies the number of jobs that haven't met stop policies and the number of jobs that don't have stop policies defined. Click View jobs to go to the Jobs page. 

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