With the The latest release of SkySync, you will find a newly deployed installation experience built from the ground up to offer the easiest possible method to getting started with the applicationSkySync release features a new configuration wizard to simplify and expedite your installation experience.
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Initial Install
To install a new instance of SkySync from scratch, follow the steps below.
- Put your Place the installer in the desired location a folder on the computer's hard drive (i.e. C:\Users\user\Desktop) and SkySync), then right click -> run as adminSelect Run as administrator
- If prompted, allow the installer to make changes to your computer
- Click "Next" on the initial installer modalWelcome screen
Select your Specify Installation and Configuration directories.
- This can be any connectable local path, but we recommend the following default settings:
Configure your windows service userwhich Windows user will run the SkySync service.
- If you already have an account to run the SkySync service, you may enter that here.
- If the entered user does not exist, it will be created as a local Windows account.
- The installer defaults to a user named "skysync" with a randomly-generated password.
- If you plan to re-use this account, we recommend entering your own password.
Please note: If you are running using SQL serverServer, ensure that this user is a local Administrator that has access to your SQL databasea DB Creator. Alternatively, you can pre-create a SQL Server database and grant this account DB Owner.
- Select "Next" to begin installation. To note, this will install PostGreSQL Note: PostgreSQL program files will be installed by default. This is intended.
- You may choose a different database further along in the installation process.
- Once complete, leave "Launch SkysyncSkySync" checked, and select "Finish".
A new browser window will launch with the FRE experienceconfiguration wizard.
If your browser doesn't immediately load to this screen, the SkySync service might still be starting. Your browser will continue to check until the website is started.
- Select "Get Started".
- Then Select "Continue" on the following screen.
Here you can begin building your desired database. For ease of use, we've offered a the "default database" which upon selection will deploy a local uses an embedded version of PostGreSQLPostgreSQL.
- If you select "Use a different database", you will have the option to either create your own PostGreSQL PostgreSQL instance, or deploy to SQL SQL Server.
If you choose to do not utilize use the default feature, you will be greeted with a configuration wizard which allows database, the configuration wizard will ask you to select your desired a database provider.
After selectionselecting a database provider, you will be prompted to provide for connection details.
Populate these fields with the appropriate items- Select "Test Connection" when complete to ensure that your database has a valid connectionvalidate your configuration.
- If the database is not detected, a warning message will display to indicate that it will be created.
Select "Next" and , then "Create Database".
- A loading screen will appear stating that your database is being configured.
- Once complete, you will be asked to restart SkySync.
- Note that this will not restart your computer - only the database SkySync service needs to will be restarted.
Once database configuration is complete, you will be asked to enter and validate activate your license.
Select "Get started" and enter your license key on the following page.
- This will validate activate your installation of SkySync
- You will then be prompted to accept the EULA
- Read through this document and select "Accept"
Once accepted, you will be prompted to create you an admin account. Select "Get started".
Here you can create your administrator user for SkySync.
- Note that By default, this user has all permissions access to everything in the application by default.
- Username and Password are the only required fieldsSelect "Next" after these fields are completed, and review your .
- Passwords must meet the following requirements:
- At least 8 characters
- At least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- At least one digit (0-9)
- At least one non-alphanumeric character (!@#$%)
- Cannot contain the username
- When complete, click "Next", then review settings on the following page.
If you are satisfied with your credentials, select click "Create". You will then be prompted to "Restart and launch".
- Note that this will not restart your computer - only the database SkySync service needs to will be restarted.
- Restart and launch may take a few seconds to process; no . No loading icon is present
- during this time, but the browser will reload once the restart is complete.
Log in with your Administrator credentials, and begin using SkySync!
The upgrade path with the new installation experience has been curated to be as simple as possible to reduce any friction during your upgrade. Follow new installer also helps facilitate product updates. Follow the steps below to complete the upgrade process.
- Stop any currently running the SkySync service
On the Setup modal, select "Next".
- You will be prompted with a new Ready to Install modal
- Select "Next"
- The upgrade process will now begin in the current modalon all machines in your cluster
- Place the installer in a folder on the computer's hard drive (i.e. C:\SkySync), then right click -> Run as administrator
Click next to begin upgrading SkySync's program files.
Once complete, select "Finish" and SkySync will launch.
If you have any database upgrades that updates are required, you your browser will see display a "We need to update" screen. Follow the prompts to complete and update the database upgrades.