1. Restricted characters in file/folder name include "<>:\"/\\|?*"
2. The maximum segment length is 255 characters.
3. Amazon S3 does not allow non-printable ASCII characters.
4. Maximum file size: 5 TB
5. The largest object that can be uploaded in a single PUT: 5 GB
6. The default limit for provisioned buckets is 100 per AWS account.
7. While Amazon S3 Supports metadata the metadata must be in place at the time of the upload, and does not support SkySync metadata import.
8. Amazon EC2 EBS Snapshots, while stored in S3, are NOT accessible for download and therefore are not accessible to SkySync. This is a limitation set by AWS.
User Account
The user account created to connect to Amazon S3 must be able to list and get all buckets in the S3 account in order to connect. It is recommended that you use the "AmazonS3FullAccess" policy.
Amazon S3 Bucket Naming Requirements
When creating a connection to Amazon S3 in SkySync, the administrator will have the option to choose the appropriate storage class.
Each storage class is for different use-cases. The following link explains the functions of each storage class.