Firewall configuration for SkySyncSkySync requires HTTPS communication to "" during activation to verify your software license key. When SkySync starts, it will also communicate with "" to determine if there has been any published updates to the software. Additionally communication with "", "", and "" will also be necessary.Proxy Server Note |
Proxy Address Example: http://<IP ADDRESS>:<PORT>/Proxy Pac File URL Example: http://<IP ADDRESS>/<PROXY SCRIPT>.pacIt is required to use the IP address of the Proxy Server and not the FQDN.
Have administrator access to the machine SkySync is installed on.Remember: SkySync does not support more than one proxy server. If there are two or more proxy servers in a load balanced configuration simply use the IP Address of one of the Proxy Servers.
Editing the Config FilesWe'll be editing two configuration files, opening them in your preferred text editor (as an Administrator):<INSTALL DRIVE>:\Program Files (x86)\SkySync\skysync.exe.config<INSTALL DRIVE>:\Program Files (x86)\SkySync\skysyncservice.exe.config
Using IP Address and Port:
< >
< defaultProxy enabled = "true" useDefaultCredentials = "true" >
< proxy autoDetect = "false" bypassonlocal = "true" proxyaddress="http://<IP ADDRESS>:< PORT >" usesystemdefault="false" />
</ defaultProxy >
</ >
Using a Proxy Config Script (.pac):
< >
< defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials = "true" >
< proxy usesystemdefault = "False" scriptLocation="http://<IP ADDRESS>/< PROXY SCRIPT>.pac" />
</ defaultProxy >
</ >
Save your edits to each file, and restart the SkySync service for them to take effect.Restarting the SkySync Service Open the Windows Services menu. (You can hit the left-hand Windows key and "R" keys together and type in "services.msc" in the run field.)Right-click on the SkySync service.Click Restart.