4. Select the "Access content on behalf of managed users through API." radio button.
Your Syncplicity account is now ready to be added in SkySync.
Obtaining a Syncplicity App Key and App Secret
Creating a Syncplicity Connection
1. Select the Authentication Type, Enter the App Key, App Secret, and Application Token
and choose what type of Syncpoint you would like SkySync to create.
2. If you wish to view all the content for users in your enterprise the "List Content for All Users in Your Enterprise" checkbox must be checked, and you must be using an admin account.
3. If using "Application Token + Storage Vault Authentication" you must Authenticate the SVA by clicking "Authenticate" button that pops up, which will ask you to enter in your admin credentials for the SVA account.
Authentication Type Restrictions
1. There are 2 types of authentication types: "Application Token" and "Application Token + Storage Vault Authentication"