Permissions – Syncplicity support permission migrations but only for the sync points. When creating a permissions migration job from a connector that supports the full range of permissions the job will only migrate the permissions for the root sync points in Syncplicity.
User Drive Mapping – Unlike some other connectors Syncplicity does not show the list of users attached to the enterprise account. You need to externally assemble the list of users to either create a user map or to impersonate a specific user.
App Settings
There is a new appsetting override to be able to set SkySync to point to EU cloud storage vault. The following lines need to be added to the appsetting file in the SkySync installation folder.
<add key="SyncplicityBaseUrl" value="https://api.eu.syncplicity.com/"/>
<add key="SyncplicityBaseXmlUrl" value="https://xml.eu.syncplicity.com/" />