3. Restricted characters in the file name: < > : / \ " ' | ? * . [ ] { } ( ) ! ;
This a cloud service provider but they do have the concept of "Storage Vaults". These data repositories can be hosted in the cloud or on premises.
2. Click on the "admin" then "user accounts" toolbars.
3. Select your account. Then under the "Privileges" section click the "Modify" button next to "Access only own content through API."
4. Select the "Access content on behalf of managed users through API." radio button.
Obtaining a Syncplicity App Key and App Secret
1. Open an internet browser and navigate to https://developer.syncplicity.com
2. Click "Login".
3. The Syncplicity Developer Portal automatically creates your account by appending "-apidev" to the email address you used for logging into the Developer Portal. For example, logging in using the account "user@domain.com" will result in the sandbox account "user-apidev@domain.com".
4. Create a password for the account through the prompt that automatically appears.
5. Navigate to My Apps, then select "Create App".
6. Create an app name. Select the check-box to agree to the Terms of Use.
Contact Syncplicity Support in order to obtain your App Key and App Secret.
Creating a Syncplicity Connection
<add key="SyncplicityBaseUrl" value="https://api.eu.syncplicity.com/"/>
<add key="SyncplicityBaseXmlUrl" value="https://xml.eu.syncplicity.com/" />
For instructions on how to edit the appsetting click hereapp setting click here