Info |
Issues have been identified with the Invoke-RestMethod command in PowerShell version 5.1, which is included with Windows Server 2019 and 2022. It is advisable to use the latest version of PowerShell when accessing the DryvIQ API endpoints. |
It is possible to set up DryvIQ using the REST API. This page provides sample calls you will use.
Test Database Connection
POST /v1/admin/db/test {"provider":"sqlserver","connection":"Server=server;Database=SkySyncV4dbname;Integrated Security=true;","embedded":"false"}
set database connection
Set Database Connection
PATCH /v1/admin/db {"provider":"sqlserver","connection":"Server=server;Database=SkySyncV4dbname;Integrated Security=true;","embedded":"false"}
createCreate and/or
update databaseUpdate Database
POST /v1/admin/db/upgrade
soft reset
Soft Reset
POST /v1/admin/restart
get reset and application status
GET Reset and Application Status
GET /v1/admin/status
get skysync service configuration
GET Service Configuration
GET /v1/admin/config
activate license
Activate License
POST /v1/licensing/activate?usage=true {"key":"myKey"}
accept eula
Accept EULA
PATCH /v1/admin/config/acceptEula
create admin user
Create Admin User
POST /v1/users {"login":"admin","password":"Passw0rd!"}