The My Computer connector is a unique connector in that it is created by default when you install SkySyncDryvIQ. Due to this, the connector is not configurable with- in SkySyncDryvIQ.
The following information is required to understand how to use the My Computer connector correctly:
The My Computer Connector uses the SkySync DryvIQ Manager service account user as the user it connects to the computer with, not the logged-on user.
Files stored under the SkySync DryvIQ Manager service users account for folder such as Downloads, Desktops, and Documents, etc. will be visible.
To see the logged-on users folders, you will need to explicitly share them with the SkySync DryvIQ Manager service user.
Folders may appear to be empty if the SkySync DryvIQ Manager service user does not have permission to access them.
To change the user that is used in the My Computer connector, you would need to change the SkySync DryvIQ Manager service account user
Features and Limitations
Platforms all have unique features and limitations. SkySync’s DryvIQ’s transfer engine manages these differences between platforms and allows you to configure actions based on Job Policies and Behaviors. Utilize the Platform Comparison tool to see how your integration platforms may interact regarding features and limitations.
The maximum length of any folder or file name is 32767.
The maximum path length is 32767
No trailing spaces in folder names, file names, or file extensions
No trailing periods
Any non-printable ASCII characters will not be filtered by SkySyncDryvIQ
Restricted characters in the file name: < > : " / \ | ? *
Disabling the "My Computer" Connection
If the "My Computer" connection will not be used, it is recommended that the connection be disabled or deleted. This applies to both Managers and Remote Sites. To disable or delete the connection:
Open a connection to the
DryvIQ database via command line or management console
Perform one of the following actions on the Connections table, where ConnectionID equals '5dc531df34554edd96c31272262ad950':
Delete the record
Set the IsActive value to 0 (zero)
It is also recommended that users be created in the context of a group. This avoids security issues associated with implicit access to the "My Computer" connection by global administrators. See Access Control - Groups, Roles, and Permissions for additional information.