On This Page
Review Database Options
Determine which database you will use:
Default Database | Embedded PostgreSQL |
Optional | Hosted PostgreSQL |
Optional | SQL Server |
You can optionally create the database before running the installer. Note that SkySync requires SQL Server 2016 SP1 (or higher) standard.
Initial Install
Database Option |
If you intend to install Microsoft SQL Server, you may use the following Powershell command to skip parts of the install process.
Verify Installer Properties
In some instances, Windows will flag an executable as "untrusted" and block it. If this happens with the SkySync installer, there will be issues with the installation or upgrade. Therefore, before you begin, review the installer properties to verify the correct settings.
Right-click on the installer and select Properties.
You need to verify the settings below.
Read-only should not be selected.
Hidden should not be selected.
Unblock should be selected.
Click Apply to apply the changes.
Click OK.
Run as Administrator
To install a new instance of SkySync, follow the steps below.
Place the installer in a folder on the computer's hard drive (i.e. C:\SkySync), then right-click and select Run as administrator.
If prompted, allow the installer to make changes to your computer.
Select Next on the Welcome screen.
Installation Directory
Specify Installation and Configuration directories. This can be any local path, but we recommend the following default settings.
Configure Windows Service
Configure which Windows user will run the SkySync service.
The installer defaults to a user named "skysync" with a randomly-generated password. If you plan to re-use this account, we recommend entering your own password.
If you already have an account to run the SkySync service, you may enter that here.
If the entered user does not exist, it will be created as a local Windows account. (Refer to the Question screenshot below.) Select Yes to create the user.
Begin Installation
If you are using SQL Server with Windows Authentication, ensure that the SkySync service account is a DB Creator. (See Prepare for Installation section.)
Select Next to begin installation.
PostgreSQL program files will be installed by default. This is intended. You may choose a different database further along in the installation process.
Once complete, leave Launch SkySync selected and select Finish.
Welcome to SkySync Configuration Wizard
A new browser window will launch with the configuration wizard. If your browser doesn't immediately load to this screen, the SkySync service might still be starting. Your browser will continue to check until the website is started. Select Get Started.
Select Continue on the following screen.
Configure Your Database
Default Database | PostgreSQL |
If you are using a PostgreSQL database, it must be configured to use English for messages. This is required for SkySync to properly deploy the server.
Here, you can begin building your desired database.
For ease of use, the Use default database option uses an embedded version of PostgreSQL.
If you select Use a different database, you will have the option to either create your own PostgreSQL instance or deploy to SQL Server.
Use Default Database | Embedded PostgreSQL
If you select to use the default PostgreSQL database, select Create Database to continue.
Use a Different Database | Microsoft SQL Server
If you select to use a different database, the configuration wizard will ask you to select a database provider. Select Microsoft SQL Server from the list.
Important | Please Review SQL Server Encryption
After selecting a database provider, you will be prompted for connection details.
Add the Server name and Database name and select the Authentication.
Select Test Connection when complete to validate your configuration.
You will see a “Connection Successful” message if the database is detected.
If the database is not detected, a warning message will display to indicate that it will be created.
Use a Different Database | Microsoft SQL Server| Use Specific Credentials (Optional)
If you select Use specific credential under Authentication, you will see two additional fields: User name and Password. This allows you to enter the credential required to connect to the database.
Configure your Database | Summary
The information provided for your selected database displays. Review it to ensure it is correct. Select Create database to continue.
Use a Different Database | Hosted PostgreSQL
If you do not use the default database, the configuration wizard will ask you to select a database provider. Select PostgreSQL from the list.
Select Hosted and enter the database information. Make sure you test the connection.
Optional Database Connection | Enter Manual Connection String
SkySync supports SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases. For complex database scenarios, SkySync allows you to supply the connection string with the applicable options and format necessary for your database environment. However, these connection strings can be modified with additional platform parameters and values.
If connectivity to the database cannot be made with default database configuration options, you may need to utilize the connection string to specify the correct parameters. For example, it is a common enterprise practice to change the default SQL Server port from 1433 to another port, requiring the use of a connection string.
SQL Server Connection Strings
SQL Server | Integrated Authentication (Windows Authentication) |
Server=SqlServerMachineName;Database=SkySyncV4;Integrated Security=true |
SQL Server | Use Specific Credentials (SQL Authentication) |
Server=SqlServerMachineName;Database=SkySyncV4;User ID=SqlServerUserName;Password=MyPassword |
SQL Server | Always On - Availability Group Listener with Multi-Subnet |
Server=tcp:AGListenerName,1433;Database=SkySyncV4;IntegratedSecurity=SSPI;MultiSubnetFailover=True |
Azure SQL DB Standard Connection |
Server=tcp:[ServerName].database.windows.net;Database=SkySyncV4;User ID=[LoginForDb]@[ServerName];Password=MyPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True |
PostgreSQL Connection Strings
PostgreSQL Standard Connection |
dbProvider=npgsql,dbConnectionString=User ID=PostgreSqlUserName;Password=MyPassword;Host=ServerName;Port=5432;Database=SkySyncV4 |
Validate Your License
After configuring your database, SkySync will ask you for your license key. Your SkySync license will be provided to you after purchase. It should look something like this: 01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab.
If you do not have your license key, please contact SkySync Support.
Select Get started.
Enter your license key and select Activate. (this button is disabled until you enter a license.) You will see a green “License Activated” message indicating the license was activated successfully. Congratulations! You've now successfully licensed SkySync.
Select Next to continue.
Validate Your License | Troubleshooting
If something goes wrong, an error message will be displayed in a box below the Activate button.
Verify your license key was entered correctly and try to activate again.
Common causes of failure include:
Firewalls blocking port 443 for https
Firewalls blocking access to https://api.portalarchitects.com which is the address of our license server
SkySync not properly set up to use the corporate proxy server
SkySync uses the default proxy server specified for the user account under which it is executing
Ensure the proxy server is configured appropriately
Additional spaces or characters added accidentally with copy/paste of the license
If you continue to have issues validating the license, please contact SkySync Support
Validate Your License | Accept End-User License Agreement
Select Next and then Create Database. A loading screen will appear stating that your database is being configured. Once complete, you will be asked to restart SkySync.
This will not restart your computer. Only the SkySync service will be restarted.
Create an Administrator Account
Create your first SkySync global admin account now. This user is granted all permissions by default. You can add more users later and set up different permissions, groups, and functionality.
Select Get started.
Create your administrator user for SkySync. By default, this user has access to everything in the application.
Username and Password are the only required fields.
Username must be 4-255 characters.
Passwords must meet the following requirements:
At least 8 characters
At least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
At least one digit (0-9)
At least one non-alphanumeric character (!@#$%)
Cannot contain the username
When complete, click Next and review the settings on the following page.
If you are satisfied with your credentials, click Create.
You will then be prompted to "Restart and launch." The restart and launch may take a few seconds to process. No loading icon is present during this time, but the browser will reload once the restart is complete.
This will not restart your computer. Only the SkySync service will be restarted.