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Each platform has limits for path and segment lengths. The truncation option determines how to handle paths and segments that exceed these limits. If disabled (the default option), an item with a path or segment length that exceeds the platform limits will not transfer and will be flagged for remediation. When enabled, DryvIQ will attempt to shorten the file name by removing the rightmost characters until the path meets the length requirements. This could mean truncating the file name down to the first character of the name and the extension. If the path is still too long, DryvIQ will flag the file for manual remediation.
The truncation option can be enabled when creating the job in the user interface on the Behaviors page. By default, the Allow truncation toggle is disabled and will be gray. To enable truncation, select the toggle. It will be green when the feature is enabled.
When creating a job through the REST API, you can set the job to use truncation as part of the transfers block. The truncation policy options are true and false (default). This element is the same as the Allow truncation option in the user interface.
To enable truncation, set the segment_truncate parameter to true.
{ "name":"Simple Transfer Job with Segment Transform Policy", "kind": "transfer", "transfer": { "segment_truncate": true, "transfer_type": "copy", "source": { "connection": { "id": "{{nfs_connection}}" }, "target": { "path": "/SourcePath" } }, "destination": { "connection": { "id": "{{cloud_connection}}" }, "target": { "path": "/DestinationPath" } } }, "schedule": { "mode": "manual" } } |
To disable truncation, set the segment_truncate parameter to false. Truncation is off by default, so if you do not include the truncation parameter in the transfer block, it will default to off for the job.
{ "name":"Simple Transfer Job with Segment Transform Policy", "kind": "transfer", "transfer": { "segment_truncate": false, "transfer_type": "copy", "source": { "connection": { "id": "{{nfs_connection}}" }, "target": { "path": "/SourcePath" } }, "destination": { "connection": { "id": "{{cloud_connection}}" }, "target": { "path": "/DestinationPath" } } }, "schedule": { "mode": "manual" } } |