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Batch mode is an optimized way to upload high volume of data using special API provided by few of the platforms. Currently Dropbox, Dropbox For Business, Office 365 and OneDrive For Business have support for this feature. When running in batch mode, instead of committing one file at a time, files are committed in batches optimized for each platform.
To leverage the Bulk (Batch) Migration API, transfer accounts must be an Site Collection Administrator. Non-Administrator transfer accounts will default to use CSOM, even when batch mode is requested with the job. |
Batch mode policy can be changed or disabled by setting transfer.batch_mode to:
none - disable the batch mode for all job's executions
initial - use batch mode for the first job execution only
always - (default behavior) use batch mode for all job executions
{ "name":"Simple Transfer Job with no batch mode", "kind": "transfer", "transfer": { "batch_mode": "none", "transfer_type": "copy", "source": { "connection": { "id": "{{nfs_connection}}" } }, "destination": { "connection": { "id": "{{cloud_connection}}" }, "target": { "path": "/MyDestination1" } } }, "schedule": { "mode": "manual" } } |
Batch Manifests are configured in your appSettings.json file.
You need the platform ID. See List Platform ID's for the call to return the ID.
You must restart your DryvIQ Service to enable the batch manifest feature.
Batch manifests are located in your log directory.
This is the element that needs to be included to enable batch manifests. Replace "platform_id" with the corresponding platform ID.
} "platform_id": { "batch_save_manifests": true } |
The example code below shows enabling batch manifest for Office 365 (platform_id = office365-graph) and OneDrive for Business (platform ID = onedrive-business-graph).
{ "data": { "provider": "sqlserver", "connection": "SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=SkySyncV4;Integrated Security=SSPI;", "directory": "C:\\ProgramData\\SkySync\\v4" }, "server": { "proxy_url": "" }, "deployment": { "packageDirectory": "C:\\ProgramData" }, "office365-graph": { "batch_save_manifests": true }, "onedrive-business-graph": { "batch_save_manifests": true }, "license": { "activation_key": "ab4e994a-342f-0000-0000-b5da2577579b" } } } |
Batch Size is configured in your appSettings.json file.
You need the platform ID. See List Platform ID's for the call to return the ID.
You must restart your DryvIQ Service for the batch size to be applied.
The Default Batch Size is 100.
{ "data": { "provider": "sqlserver", "connection": "SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=SkySyncV4;Integrated Security=SSPI;", "directory": "C:\\ProgramData\\SkySync\\v4" }, "server": { "proxy_url": "" }, "deployment": { "packageDirectory": "C:\\ProgramData" }, "office365": { "batch_save_manifests": true, "batch_item_limit": "5" }, "onedrive-business": { "batch_save_manifests": true, "batch_item_limit": "5" }, "license": { "activation_key": "ab4e994a-342f-0000-0000-b5da2577579b" } } } |
Add the following to the JSON block on the Scripting page in the Job Advanced Features when creating the job.
{ "transfer": { "batch_mode": "none" } } |