User Drive Mapping
User Drive Mapping
A User Drive Mapping is a Master Job that will create child sub jobs for all the users that it can match between the source and destination based upon the settings selected when setting up the job.
User Drive Mapping is an advanced feature and may not be available to you depending on your license. If you would like to use User Drive Mapping and it is not available please contact Client Services.
Setting up a User Drive Mapping
1) In the Job Control section hit the "New Job" button and select "New Folder Mapping".
2) Select a Source Connector.
3) Select a Destination Connector.
4) Select a Job Type which will be used by all child jobs created.
5) Ensure that your Conflict Resolution and Delete Propagation are set properly.
Convention Paths
Beneath the source and destination connector is an option to enter a convention path which will either target or create sub folders depending on whether the source or destination is used.
Entering a folder name into the convention path section under the source will target that subfolder to move the data from in each child job. For example if every user contained in the connector selected has a subfolder called "UDMSS" you can enter "UDMSS" into the convention path section under the source and every child job will attempt to move information from that folder. An example can be seen below.
Entering a folder name into the destination convention path will result in a subfolder either being created or used by each child job on the destination. The subfolder will be where the information copied from the individual child jobs is stored. An example can be seen below, where the folder name "UDMNewFolder" was applied to the destination convention path.
Advanced Options
Like all jobs clicking the blue "Advanced" will open up additional options depending on the selected connectors. It is important to keep in mind that any advanced feature utilized will be used by every child job created. This is important if you only want some features to be used on some of the folders used to create the child jobs.
What you see in this menu is effected by the settings in the "Exceptions" menu, which is covered later in this guide
The "Convention Exclusions" option is specific to Master jobs and will be there regardless of the connectors used. In order to utilize this you will need to click on "Exclusions", which will list all of the items available in the source selected. Once you have done this you will want to select either "include selected" or "exclude selected", as this will determine how the folders will be treated.
Include Selected, means that only the items selected will have child jobs created for them. Additionally if new items are created new child jobs will not be created for them.
Excluded Selected means that child jobs will not be created for the items selected, however new items created will still have child jobs created for them.
Import/Export to .CSV File
Import selection from .CSV File and Export Selected to .CSV file allow you to make your user selections without having manually make the selections by checking the boxes. This is useful when there are hundreds or thousands of users that need to be selected.
If you want to use import selection from .CSV File it is easiest to Export to a CSV file first and then edit that .CSV file, once this has been done the same .CSV can be imported back into SkySync to make your selection.
How to Export then Import to .CSV
1) Click the hyperlink ".CSV File" located next to Export selected to.
2) Open the file that was exported and make edits as necessary and save your changes.
3) Click the hyperlink ".CSV File" next to Import selection from.
4) Select the edited .CSV file and hit Save.
5) Confirm your changes have been made and hit OK.
The "Exceptions" options is where you will configure the rules on how the User Drive Mapping master job will make matches between the source and destination users. It has a number of options and the default options are shown below.
Match Type: This option determines what type of matches will be made. Depending on the connectors used the three options are:
Account - This options matches the accounts together
Directory - This option will match the directories together
LDAP - This option will use LDAP to make the matches. For information on Configuring LDAP please see here:
Automaticall link accounts using User-ID: If this box is checked then the matches will be made using User-ID automatically.
Automatically link accounts using User-Name: If this box is checked then the matches will be made using User-Name automatically.
Automatically delete if destination account is disbaled: If this box is checked then child jobs will be deleted if the destination account is/becomes disabled
Email Notifications to users: If this box is checked then users whose folders are synched/copied will get an email notification.
E-mail Domain: If an e-mail domain is entered in this field, SkySync will only map to accounts belonging to the designated domain.
Account List: This options determines which account list to use as the source for making matches. This option is only available when "Match Type" is set to Account or LDAP. Depending on the "Match Type" selected the 3 options available are:
Source: This option will use the source connector account list to make matches.
Destination: This option will use the destination connector account list to make matches.
LDAP: This option will use LDAP as the source to make matches from. When you select LDAP a "Configure" button becomes available. please see Configuring LDAP for a how-to guide.
The account list option will affect what is available in the "Exclusions" menu, which was covered above in this article.
User Advanced Settings: When this check box is selected, 2 new options become available to you, which allow you to manually select accountsto be matched together:
Import/Export Exceptions: This allows you to import a .CSV file with your manual matches set into it or to export the manual matches you have created with-in SkySync in the Link Home Drives option. When doing an import a specific format must be followed based upon the settings you have selected above, for this reason it is suggested that you create a single manual map using the "Link Home Drives" option and then export to a .CSV file. Once you have done that you can follow the "How to export then import to .csv" section from above.
No more then 1000 manual entries can be imported at one time.
Link Home Drives: This options gives your 2 fields to enter information into. The "Source" field lets you type in an account from your source connector that you would like to manually map to the account from your destination connector that you type into the "Destination Accounts" field. When you have entered information into both the source and destination field, you must then click the green plus to create that manual mapping. This will force SkySync to map the 2 accounts to each other when creating matches. This manual mapping will override the automatic mapping from the above options. Below is an example of how a successful manual mapping will look:
Once you have finished editing all settings you need to click the "OK" button to save all the selected settings.
, multiple selections available,
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