FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Articles addressing the most common support requests are found here.
- Activating SkySync returns an error: SkySync could not acquire a license. Please check...
- Allow Mapping Passthrough
- Cannot open database "SkySync" requested by the login
- Content Filtering in relation to a Publish Job
- Filtered Files still receive errors
- Folders who's colors have been changed aren't visible in Navigator
- How SkySync Stores Credentials
- What is User Drive mapping?
- How to determine which version of SkySync is installed
- Mapped Metadata will not save
- Metadata Time Stamps rollover to the next day
- My user mapping settings are missing after changing the connector in the job
- Newly created folders on the destination not result in new child jobs being created from my Folder Mapping Sync Job.
- No errors will show to prevent overlapping connectors or jobs
- Rate Limitations Warning
- Set the date and time on your computer to be current
- SkySync Transfer Usage
- SkySync Won't Load Past the Splash Screen
- Submitting a SkySync Support Ticket With Portal Architects
- Use platform specific adjustments to increase initial upload performance
- What is External Account Mapping Passthrough
- When do Data Usage Warning Emails Start?
- Windows Defender Warning When Installing SkySync
- The file and folder counts are different between file explorer and Analyzer/Inspector
- Mapping unresolved source and destination accounts
- What Are Determining Changes?