The Job Inspector Explained

In this document, 'folders' refers to any storage container. These include any platform-specific container such as a 'library' or 'bucket'.

This document defines all of the information presented in the Job Inspector.

The Job Inspector can be accessed by right-clicking on the job from the Job Control panel, and selecting 'Inspect Job' from the menu.

All of the values in the inspector that have any information can be viewed by clicking 'view' or 'export as csv'.

Clicking 'view' will open the list using the computers default program for .csv files.

Clicking 'export as csv' will open the Windows 'Save As...' window, saving the list as a .csv file.


Test Connectivity

SkySync tests if it is able to communicate to the storage platform. A test request is sent, and if SkySync receives a response, this test will pass.

Check allow file/folder creation

SkySync will attempt to create and immediately delete a test file and folder in the directories chosen for source and destination. If SkySync is able to do this, the test will pass.

Storage used

SkySync will report the amount of storage that is being used for the storage platform. This value is for the entire account/instance, not just the directory chosen for source or destination.

The color of the border and text font for this will change to yellow and then red as the storage limit is approached.


Number of files autorenamed/truncated due platform rules

Each storage platform has a different set of restrictions on file names. If a file is flagged to be transferred into a location, and that location does not allow that particular file-name, SkySync will attempt to rename the file, or truncate it.

This value is the number of files that meets this criteria.

Number of files too large

This is the number of files that exceed the size limit of the storage platform they would be transferred into.

Number of files with issues on path depth / file name length

This value is the number of files that have either too long of a name for the destination storage platform, or exist in a directory with a path that is too long.

Number of files with autozipped due to file type restrictions

Some storage platforms do not allow certain file extensions (.exe for example). When SkySync transfers these files to the destination, it will automatically compress them into a .zip file to allow them to be transferred.


Number of files

The total number of files that exist within the selected directory.

Number of folders

The total number of folders that exist within the selected directory.

Overall size of files

The total size of files located within the selected directory.

Number of user accounts

This is the number of user accounts that SkySync is able to detect in the storage platform instance.

Number of filtered files

This is the list of files that meet the criteria defined in the jobs 'Content Filtering' setting.

Number of filtered folders

This is the list of folders that meet the criteria defined in the jobs 'Content Filtering' setting.

Number of unfiltered files

This is the list of files that do not meet the criteria for exclusion defined in the jobs 'Content Filtering' setting.

Overall size of unfiltered files

The total size of the files from the category above.

Number of zero-byte files

The total number of files in the chosen location that do not take up any disk-space.

Some storage platforms do not allow zero-byte files. Please refer to the specific connector document in this forum.

Number of folders with version support

Some storage platforms allow for versioning, which is the ability to store multiple different copies of a single file.

SkySync allows the preservation of versions, but only if versioning is enabled for the destination directory.

This list will allow the administrator to view all of the folders where versioning is enabled.

Post transfer usage (of X GB)

SkySync will account for all of the transfers that are flagged to be executed on the next run of the job.

The total size of these files will be added to the current usage amount to give this value.

This value is the total amount of the allotted license transfer that will be used when the job completes its next execution.


Number of changed files

The total of files that have been altered in some way.

This can include editing the content of the file, renaming the file, or moving the file to a new location within the target directory.

Number of folders deleted

The total amount of folders that have been deleted in the target location.

'Folders' can refer to any container, including platform-specific items such as Libraries or Buckets.

With File-System or Network File-Share connections, items that are renamed are counted as deleted.

Number of files deleted

The total amount of files that have been deleted in the target location.

With File-System or Network File-Share connections, items that are renamed are counted as deleted.

Number of new folders

The total amount of new folders in the target location.

Number of new files

The total amount of new files in the target location.

Number of changed files to transfer

All of the files in 'Number of changed files' from above, that aren't restricted from transferring for some reason, such as Content Filtering.

Number of new folders to create

The total amount of new folders that will be created on the destination on the next execution of the job.

Number of new files to transfer

All of the files in 'Number of new files' from above, that aren't restricted from transferring for some reason, such as Content Filtering.

Overall size of next transfer

The total disk-size of all the files that are flagged to be transferred on the next execution of the job.

Number of files in conflict

The total amount of files that conflict with their counterpart on the opposite side of the job.

The job will resort to the behavior defined by the 'Conflict Resolution' setting in the Edit/Create Job window.

Hovering the mouse cursor over the text of the individual options in the drop-down menu will cause a tool-tip to appear describing the functions of the settings.

A conflict can be caused when a file changes on both sides of a two-way synchronize job, in-between executions of that job.

This causes the job to have to refer to this setting to determine what side gets synced to the other.

Number of items to skip on transfer due to filtering

The total amount of files and folders that meet the criteria for exclusion as defined in the Content Filtering set configured for the job.

Number of duplicate items to skip on transfer

The total amount of files and folders with an exact pair that will not have both pairs copied over on the next execution of the job.

Number of items to skip on transfer due to failure

The total amount of files and folders that will not be re-tried on the next execution of the job due to that file/folder causing a failure on the previous execution.

This failure will be reported in the Job History.