Estimate Job Progress by Content Size (size_estimate)

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The estimate content size feature will report the job progress during transfer. This option is defined in your job configuration within the source or the destination (sync jobs only) connection.  

Options include:

  • size_estimate:count

  • size_estimate:bytes

Job progress can be monitored using the following endpoint

GET {{url}}v1/jobs/{{job}}?fields=all

Under execution:progress

Job JSON Count Example

Count Example: For 1000 files, when 500 files have transferred to the destination the execution progress will report 0.5 or 50%.

{ "name":"Basic Job with Job Progress by Size Estimate Count", "kind": "transfer", "transfer": { "audit_level": "trace", "transfer_type": "copy", "source": { "connection": { "id": "{{nfs_connection}}" }, "size_estimate": { "count": 1000 }, "target": { "path": "/sourcePath" } }, "destination": { "connection": { "id": "{{cloud_connection_destination}}" }, "target": { "path": "/destinationPath" } } }, "schedule": { "mode": "manual" } }

Job JSON Byte Example

Byte Example: For 1073741824 bytes (1GB), when 536870912 bytes have transferred to the destination the execution progress will report 0.5 or 50%.

{ "name":"Basic Job with Job Progress by Size Estimate Bytes", "kind": "transfer", "transfer": { "audit_level": "trace", "transfer_type": "copy", "source": { "connection": { "id": "{{nfs_connection}}" }, "size_estimate": { "bytes": 1073741824 }, "target": { "path": "/sourcePath" } }, "destination": { "connection": { "id": "{{cloud_connection_destination}}" }, "target": { "path": "/destinationPath" } } }, "schedule": { "mode": "manual" } }



DryvIQ Platform Version: 5.9.2
Release Date: December 17, 2024