Version 5.2.1 Release Notes
Version 5.2.1 Release Notes
Release Date: August 4, 2022
Platform version 5.2.1 was available on August 4, 2022. This is a maintenance release that includes an update to the Google Workspace connector and bug fixes. Learn more about the release below. For more information about any features mentioned, refer to the DryvIQ Platform Documentation Center.
Connector Updates
Google Workspace
When creating a Google Workspace connection, you can now choose to create the connection with read-only access. Note that this requires that the Google account used to create the connection have matching access writes. Learn more here.
A blank screen no longer displays when viewing additional pages of the group map in the user interface.
Updates were made to the Dropbox for Business Team Folders connector to prevent legacy team folder accounts from producing a “Value cannot be null” error during job execution.
Additional logging has been added to help troubleshoot failed notifications.
Updating the DryvIQ Platform does not update the Command-line Interface (CLI). If you use the CLI, you should update it when you update to a new version of DryvIQ to ensure the CLI is current. Run the CLI install command to update the CLI.