Account and Group Maps: External Account Permissions

Account and Group Maps: External Account Permissions

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The External Permissions feature allows the user to retain (migrate) permissions for external accounts between a DryvIQ-supported source platform and SharePoint Online (SPO). People who need to see or work with content but do not have user accounts for your SharePoint Online or Office 365 environment are invited external accounts called “external users". Sites and documents can be shared with external users either globally, that is, for all sites in the tenant, or for each site collection individually.
After sharing is enabled for the tenant and individual site collections, site collection admins can extend invitations to specific users.

SharePoint Online associates external accounts to either a personal or an organizational Microsoft account. This association is called a Guest Account. The association is made when an external account accepts a permission invitation for the first time. Once that association is made, external accounts are recognized as a Guest Account and all permissions are shown under “Shared With Me.” Refer to Microsoft’s documentation for more information about guest accounts.

How DryvIQ Handles Migration of External Permissions

When DryvIQ migrates external account permissions, if the association with a Guest Account is already in place, it will properly map the external account from source to the Guest Account on the destination. The permission will show under “Shared With me”.

If the association is not yet made, an invitation token will be generated. These invitations show up under “Site Settings → Access Requests and Invitations”. The user can then resend one to the external account to start the invite process. Once the invitation is accepted, they will all appear under “Shared With Me.”

DryvIQ only captures the external account and passes it through to the destination. The invitation is generated on SharePoint Online. The SPO Administrator must review and resend invites. Once the invitation has been accepted by the external user, the guest is provisioned and access to shared content is available. Subsequent content shared with external users will automatically passthrough since the guest account is now recognized.

Account Map Configuration

External permissions are configured when creating the user/account map.

User Interface Options


