Version 4.22.
4 (Yuzu) Maintenance Release Notes
Release Date: February March 3, 2022
SkySync platform version 4.22.3 4 was available on February March 3, 2022. This maintenance release focused on improvements to the Microsoft SharePoint Online connections and bug fixes. Learn more about the release below. For detailed information about individual items, refer to the SkySync Platform Documentation Center.
For all the Microsoft SharePoint Online connectors ( Office 365 , OneDrive for Business, Teams, Office 365 GCC High, and OneDrive for Business GCC High ), you can now specify if you want to use a soft delete (move items to the trash/recycle bin) or hard delete (permanently remove) when deleting items. Soft delete is the default delete behavior; however, selecting to hard delete ensures the platform trash doesn’t fill up with unwanted files. This option will be available when creating new connectors in the user interface and through the REST API. For existing connectors, you can patch the connector to set the delete parameter. Refer to the individual connector documentation pages for more information.
For Box connections, the issue where “(1)” was randomly added to files has been corrected.
For Office 365 connections, teams as well as sites are available when creating the connections.
Box Connectors will no longer disconnect after failing to retry a limit error during the token refresh.
Scheduled jobs no longer fail to start due to an “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error.
The impersonation path picker now loads the accounts when adding impersonation to the Dropbox for Business and Dropbox for Business Teams Folders connections.
When duplicating a convention job, the schedule provided in the transfer JSON block is now properly applied to the child jobs.
For Microsoft OneDrive for Business GCC High, jobs with permissions migration enabled but shared links disabled will not make requests to get shared links for an item.
The Google Workspace connector can now be set to include owner in the metadata to ensure only files created by the owner of a drive are included in the transferconnection, SkySync will now log a warning message and skip files when attempting to apply shared links at the library level rather than produce an “Unknown Error.”
Updates were made to the Microsoft OneDrive for Business and Office 365 connections to prevent the “Specified Method not found” warning when requesting shared links for items with a pound sign (#) in the name.
The Job Schedule now calculates the correct start window when running on a server using UTC time and client is using a browser in another time zone.