DryvIQ Migrate Release Notes

DryvIQ Migrate Release Notes

Version: 5.8
Release Date: September 4, 2024


DryvIQ Migrate version 5.8 was available on September 4, 2024. This release focuses on new connector offerings and improved feature functionality. The release also includes several bug fixes. Learn more about the release below. For detailed information about individual items, refer to the DryvIQ Migrate Documentation Center.


The 5.8 update includes various system stability and performance improvements. As a result, this update will take longer than usual to complete.

New Features and Enhancements

  • New Docusign Connector: DryvIQ now offers a read-only Docusign connector that can be used to migrate files and templates out of your Docusign account and into your preferred content storage platform. Learn more here.

  • New managed Network File System connector: DryvIQ now offers two Network File System connections in Windows environments. The original Network File System connector uses NFS protocol to access files. The new managed Network File System connector is a read-only connector that uses SMBLibrary to make the connection, which may allow for better performance than the native connector in some instances. The new managed connector can be used as a source connection for Migrate jobs but cannot be used as the destination connection.

  • Improved filter logic: DryvIQ now applies the job filters to all items that have changed on subsequent job runs to improve transfer results. This means that an item that did not transfer on a previous job run will transfer on a subsequent run if a change causes the item to now meet an include filter criteria. Similarly, an item that originally transferred will be skipped if the update causes the item to now meet an exclude filter criteria.

  • Improved link remediation performance: Updates were made to improve the link remediation queries. This will result in overall faster performance of the link remediation feature.


  • Owner preservation for disabled users on root folder creation for Microsoft Office 365 will now be preserved if the information needed to resolve the user is available through either the EnsureUser CSOM API call or the _api/web/siteusers REST API call from Microsoft.

  • External email invitations are now properly sent for Microsoft Office 365 connections.

  • SharePoint On-premises connections can now be created in Linux environments.

  • A fix was made to prevent the “Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error could occur during link remediation.


Updating the DryvIQ Platform does not update the Command-line Interface (CLI). If you use the CLI, you should update it when you update to a new version of DryvIQ to ensure the CLI is current. Run the CLI install command to update the CLI.  

Previous Release Notes



  • The Google Drive connector was updated to accommodate paging through file versions from the Google API to ensure all versions transfer when version preservation is enabled.

  • Updates were made to link remediation to prevent jobs from hanging when certain link patterns are present in documents.

  • The Links tab for a parent job now displays the links identified for all its child jobs.

  • The Network File System (SMB) connector was updated to correct a "The path 'xxxx' cannot be made relative to parent 'yyyy'" error that would occur when scanning items for this connector.


New Features and Enhancements

  • New Jobs Grid and Jobs Export Headers: The Jobs grid was enhanced to add additional column headers to provide more options for viewing information on the page. In addition, the Jobs Export was updated to include the new fields to provide more comprehensive reporting on your jobs. The new fields include:

    • last_execution

    • next_execution

    • current_execution_duration

    • category

    • created_on

    • modified_on

    • successful_bytes

    • successful_bytes_all_versions

    • revised_bytes

    • revised_bytes_all_versions

    • revised_items

    • retry_bytes

    • retry_bytes_all_versions

    • retry_items

    • flagged_bytes

    • flagged_bytes_all_versions

    • flagged_items

    • skipped_bytes

    • skipped_bytes_all_versions

    • skipped_items

    • transfer_rate_bytes_per_second


  • Duplicate entries are no longer added to the audit logs when access rules are applied to items.

  • Logs now respect applied filter dates.

  • Dropbox connections can now successfully be created.

  • Duplicated jobs using Google Shared Drives as the source platform now start without error.

  • The Microsoft Office 365 connector can now access classic picture library types.

  • The Box connector was updated to correct an issue that affected creating impersonation jobs through the REST API. A job will no longer produce an error when created through the REST API with only the username field in the impersonate_as block.

  • If Microsoft responds with an “item already exists” during a batch migration job, DryvIQ now compares the latest set of item properties (modified, versions and number of bytes) to the item properties in the batch job. If the properties on the existing destination file do not match the properties in the batch job, DryvIQ will generate an error identifying the conflicting properties. In the error, original is the item property in the batch job, and latest is the item property on the destination. The item will be flagged as “Retry” and will be handled like a normal retry item.  After selecting the retry action (Retry, Ignore, etc.), the item should be resolved.

  • The OpenText and ShareFile connectors were updated to ensure folder renames migrate when one of these connectors is used as the source connection for a migration job.

  • Updates were made to link remediation to prevent malformed links from affecting job performance or preventing jobs from finishing.

New Features and Enhancements

  • The Jobs export now includes the last failure message and status for each job on the export.

  • Items flagged for retry that no longer exist will now be marked as “Ignored,” and an audit log message will be added for the item.

  • Improvements were made to Simulation Jobs to prevent jobs failing with an "Object reference" error when targeting a destination folder that doesn't exist.


  • The SharePoint connectors were updated to correct an issue that would sometimes correlate an old version of an item as the current version.

  • Encoded characters can now be used the destination path when creating a SharePoint connector in DryvIQ.

  • When paging sites at the Microsoft Office 365 tenant level, all sites for a tenant will be available in the Locations picker.

  • The Dropbox for Business and Dropbox for Business Teams Folders connectors were updated to produce better error messages when attempting to impersonate an invalid or unknown Dropbox user account during author preservation.

  • The HCP Anywhere connector was updated to prevent "The application was unable to obtain a valid access token to the storage platform" errors in jobs when HCP Anywhere source system is under load.

  • The NFS connector was updated to ensure Execute access rights were properly applied to NFS items.

  • Updates were made to prevent 500 errors and rate limit exceptions from disabling a connector.

  • DryvIQ will return null to prevent an error for files with unparsable created on, modified on, or last accessed time.

  • Link remediation was updated to remediate links to files outside the current job.

  • Improved error messaging was added to identify when there is an issue with the user or group map configuration.

  • Updates were made to improve loading of the DryvIQ API documentation.

  • DryvIQ deployments in Kubernetes environments now respect log level set on the Performance page in the Settings.

  • When DryvIQ encounters a write/delete collision during a copy job (one-way transfer), it will prefer the write and treat it as a new item, generating a new platform ID.


New Features and Enhancements

  • DryvIQ no longer integrates with FiddlerCore, so the integration was removed from the Enable Capture option was removed from the Performance page in the Settings.


  • The SharePoint connector was updated to correct an issue that would sometimes correlate an old version as the current when reading an item.

  • Items that were marked for Retry but no longer exist will now be marked as Ignored with an audit log message.

  • Updates were made to prevent 500 errors and rate limit exceptions from disabling connections.

  • When a write event occurs on the source and a move out of job scope event on the destination is detected, the moved file will be deleted.

  • All sites for a tenant will be available when paging through the Locations picker at the Office 365 tenant level.

  • Execute access rights are properly applied to NFS items.

  • Link remediation for files outside the job now properly remediates.

  • DryvIQ will return null to prevent an error for files with an unparsable created on, modified on, or last accessed date.


New Features and Enhancements

  • A new job setting can be configured for delta job runs to skip destination events in scenarios where the subsequent job run occurs after an initial run into an empty destination. This setting can only be set using the API and must be set per job run. Learn more here.

  • The Items job report page now allows you to display Mime type as one of the column headers. It displays the mime type for five types of Google documents: Google Jamboard, Google Sites, Google Maps, Google Forms, and Lucidchart. Learn more here.

  • Records in the Transfer Item audit will now be purged after 90 days. The default value can be updated in the configuration options.

  • The Dropbox connectors were updated to allow a connection to display unmounted folders. Refer to the Dropbox, Dropbox for Business, and Dropbox for Business Teams Folders connector pages for more information about this feature including its impact on connector performance.

  • Items reported with an unknown status are now reported on the Overview and Items reports.

  • The roll up reports now include a User Mappings page like the individual job report. This allows you to review all the user mappings for the jobs included in the report instead of having to go to the individual job to review the user mapping results.

  • Updates were made to improve the performance of the Links export when an large number of links are included in the exported report.


  • When you cancel the location picker modal for a Dropbox connection when creating a job, DryvIQ now properly sends Dropbox a cancelation token to cancel any additional paging requests.

  • The Dropbox connector was updated to request and use refresh tokens for authentication.

  • Folders with permissions set to Deny now show up as Flagged.

  • Graphs were updated to show 0 instead of negative numbers.

  • An error no longer occurs when duplicating jobs in the user interface without editing the root paths.

  • An update was made to ensure the the metadata filter reason is populated in database when an item is excluded by an “Include” policy.

  • Sorting by job duration now displays in proper chronological order.

  • A null check was added to the Google connector to ensure links located on the root of the Google connection can be detected and resolved.

  • The Job column on the Items page now sorts properly.  


DryvIQ Migrate Version: 5.8
Release Date: September 4, 2024