The Remote sites feature allows administrators to easily set up multiple instances of SkySync at distributed locations and configure/monitor them from a single centrally-managed console.
Installation Requirements & Supported Operating Systems
Manager / Server Installation
Manager | Create New Remote Site | Site Initialization
Initializing a new site from the SkySync Manager creates all the necessary components on the manager that allow the remote site to be administered from the manager. This step also generates files required by the site in order to setup SkySync to allow for remote administration.
Manager | Create New Remote Site using SkySync Platform UI
As the SkySync Manager, use this to create a new Remote Site without immediately creating a download bundle.
POST {{url}}v1/sites
As the SkySync Manager, use this to create a new Remote Site that will also provide a download bundle (pre-configured appSettings.json response). The bundle can be used to install on the Remote Site Server.
GET {{url}}v1/sites/establish
SkySync Installation on Remote Site Server
Ensure you have the Installation Bundle provided by the SkySync Manager. This zip file contains the installer and pre-configured appSettings.json file for the Remote Site. Please note that if you are using a PostgreSQL server manager instance, the service user created during installation will not have appropriate administrative privileges to access the SkySync installer for the .zip bundle. This will need to be added after the bundle is downloaded and unzipped.
If you only have the Remote Site appSettings.json file from the Manager, ensure this file is located in the same directory as the installer. Example:
- c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
- Both skysync-{OS Type}-{Version}.exe and the appSettings.json are on the desktop
Sample content of the Remote Site appSettings.json file
{ "manager": { "host": { "url": "http://{{ip_address}}:9090/" }, "client_id": "{{system generated client id}}", "client_secret": "{{system generated client secret}}", "mode": "site" }, "license": { "activation_key": "a16a6bd1-6fa4-0000-0000-4e826f18fb94" } }
Follow the same installation instructions used to install the SkySync platform. If an error occurs during the installation, you can find a log file in the AppData directory for the user running the installation (for example, C:\Users\JSmith\AppData\Local\Temp
). There you will find a file named bitrock_installer_[pid]_[uid].log
where [pid] is the PID of the process and [uid] is an unique identifier.
Once the installation process is complete (including database configuration, license activation, and initial administration user creation), the user will be redirected to the Manager URL. Remote Sites are intended to manage connections and jobs for data behind a firewall that is otherwise inaccessible to the Manager. Job, connection, and other related configuration should be performed through the Manager console in the context of a Remote Site.
Configure / Monitor Site Remotely through the Manager
GET {{url}}v1/sites/{{remote_site_id}}/api/connections/platforms/{{platform_id}}/new
POST {{url}}v1/sites/{{remote_site_1}}/api/connections
POST {{url}}v1/sites/{{remote_site_1}}/api/jobs { "name":"Remote Site Simple Transfer Job", "kind": "transfer", "transfer": { "audit_level": "trace", "transfer_type": "copy", "source": { "connection": { "id": "{{site_cloud_connection}}" }, "target": {"path":"/Source Path"} }, "destination": { "connection": { "id": "{{site_nfs_connection}}" }, "target": { "path": "/Destination Path" } } }, "schedule": { "mode": "manual" } }
Creating a NFS connection for your Remote Site through the Manager
As the manager, you can create a NFS connection with any shared folder on the Remote Site
On the Remote Site, create a new folder on your c: and share it.
On the Manager, go to your remote site > Connections > Add NFS.
Server Name: \\localhost\{shared folder name}
The Connection will be made and will validate with the service user when these fields are left blank.