Sharing Insights Using REST API

Get User Access Rules

GET {{url}}v1/transfers/{{job_id/stats/by_sharing?field=user_access_rules

{ "status": 200, "item": { "user_access_rules": { "name": "Shared to users", "source": { "bytes": 14049, "files": 8, "folders": 13, "versions": 9, "storage": 15234 }, "destination": { "bytes": 14049, "files": 8, "folders": 13 }, "order": 1 }, "group_access_rules": { "name": "Shared to groups", "source": { "bytes": 297, "files": 1, "folders": 3, "versions": 1, "storage": 297 }, "destination": { "bytes": 297, "files": 1, "folders": 3 }, "order": 2 }, "domain_shared_links": { "name": "Shared to domain via link", "source": null, "destination": null, "order": 3 }, "anyone_shared_links": { "name": "Shared to anyone via link", "source": null, "destination": null, "order": 4 }, "": { "name": "Not shared", "source": { "bytes": 5416715, "files": 20, "folders": 9, "versions": 20, "storage": 5416715 }, "destination": { "bytes": 5416715, "files": 20, "folders": 10 }, "order": 5 } } }

Top User Contributors

The "resolution" indicates how the permission was mapped, such as by exception mapping, account map, email, or external account. The "permissions" value indicates how many items are shared with the user.

GET {{url}}v1/transfers/security_map?job={{job_id&type=account&exclude_unused=true&fields=source%2Cpermissions&sort=permission

....... ........... }, "item": [ { "id": "54604b5d86a344ca8040f73f867cc980", "source": { "name": "John Smith 2", "email": "", "id": "1497385045", "type": "account" }, "resolution": "exception", "permissions": 6 }, { "id": "44b1bf8179f9467b8f91126cba578bee", "source": { "name": "John Smith 3", "email": "", "id": "389034265", "type": "account" }, "resolution": "exception", "permissions": 7 }, .......... ......

Top Group Contributors

The "resolution" indicates how the permission was mapped; such as by exception mapping, or account map. The "permissions" value indicates how many items are shared with the group.

GET {{url}}v1/transfers/security_map?job={{job_id&type=group&exclude_unused=true&fields=source%2Cpermissions&sort=permissions%20desc&offset=0&limit=5

....... ........... }, "item": [ { "id": "edb58a6038a940158a794d8d3aeaed61", "source": { "name": "Group_Name", "id": "1281879819", "type": "group" }, "resolution": "exception", "permissions": 4 } .......... ......

Shared Analysis for Most Shared Files

The "permissions" value indicates how this item is shared with users/groups.

GET {{url}}v1/transfers/items?job={{job_id&type=items&sort=permissions%20desc&permissions=1%3A&fields=id%2Cname%2Csource.path%2Cpermissions%2Ctype%2Ccount&offset=0&limit=5

Shared Analysis for Most Shared Folders

The "count" is the number of child items shared. The "permissions" value indicates how this container is shared with users/groups.

GET {{url}}v1/transfers/folders?job={{job_id&type=items&sort=permissions%20desc&permissions=1%3A&fields=id%2Cname%2Csource.path%2Cpermissions%2Ctype%2Ccount&offset=0&limit=5


DryvIQ Platform Version: 5.9.2
Release Date: December 17, 2024