Scheduling a Job

Scheduling a Job

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A job schedule allows you to control when the job runs. The schedule manages the job runs for you so you don't have to manually execute job runs. The schedule can be set to determine both how often a job runs and when a job should stop running (also called the job stop policy). You set schedules at the end of the job creation process and have the option of editing schedules for jobs, too. 


When adding a schedule to convention jobs during job creation, only the child jobs will be assigned the schedule. The convention job will still be set to run every six hours. If you need to edit the schedule for the convention job, you can edit the job schedule once the job has been created. Similarly, child job schedules can be edited individually or in bulk once created. See Editing Job Schedules below for more information. 

Defining the Job Schedule

You can set the schedule for a job when you save the job on the Summary page of the job creation process. You have two options:

  • Save job: This launches the job scheduler so you can specify the details for the schedule you want to use. 

  • Save job and run it right now: This triggers the job to start immediately. The job will use the default schedule settings. It will run every 15 mins after the last job execution completes, and the schedule will run every day.

Once you assign the job a name, select the Schedule job to run toggle to add the schedule details (or view the default schedule settings).  

DryvIQ highly recommends that you name the job to make it easy to identify. If you leave the name blank and save the job, a default name will be assigned to the job using the source and destination connections. 

This displays the schedule options. Use the options to set how/when you want the job to run. (See the information below for details about each schedule field.) Note that the default options will set the job interval to 15 minutes and run every day. 

Starting on

Use this field to specify a starting date for the job; the first job will not run until this date. This allows you to create a job but not have it run until a later date. This would be useful, for example, if you are creating multiple jobs but want them to run in waves rather than all at once. You can create all the jobs at the same time and just set different starting dates. You only need to add a date to this field if you want the job to start running on a date later than the date you are creating the job. Leave this field blank if you want the job to start running immediately. This field can be used in combination with all other schedule fields. 

Run job on

Use this field to specify which days of the week you want the job to run. By default, all days are selected. You can clear days by clicking on a day in the list. The check mark in front of the day is removed, and the day no longer appears in the field above the list. Similarly, click on a day without a check mark to select the day to include it. Setting days can be useful in creating waves of jobs since you can set different jobs to run on alternating days, or it can be useful to set jobs to run on days where activity is minimized (such as weekends). This field can be used in combination with all other schedule fields. 

Run job every

Use this option to set the job to run on a time interval. Specify the number and select if it is minutes, hours, or days. The time determines when the job will run after the previous job run completes and not specific increments of time. For example, the default value is 15 minutes. This means the job will run 15 minutes after the previous job run completes.

This option can be used in combination with the Starting date and Run job on fields. It cannot be used in combination with the At a specific time option. 

When you select this option, additional fields display that allow to control the time frame for the job runs as well as the number of times the job will run per day. 

First run start time

Use this field to specify a start time for the first job run in the schedule.  If a time is not specified, the first job run will start after midnight. Specify the time using the format HH:MM XM.

Job stop time

Use this field to specify the time you want the job to stop running. The job will stop at this time if it is in the process of running. For example, if this field is set to 10:00 PM and the job is set to start running at 9:45 PM, the job will start as scheduled at 9:45 PM. If it is still running at 10:00 PM, it will stop regardless of the progress. If a time is not specified, the last job run will start no later than midnight and will continue running. Specify the time using the format HH:MM XM (10:00 AM, 10:00 PM, etc.).

Maximum number of daily job runs

Use this field to specify the number of times you want the job to run in a day. Once the job runs this many times, it will not run again until the next day.  

At a specific time

Use this option to set the job to run at a specific time of the day. This may be useful if you prefer jobs to run only during off hours. You can specify the time here, and the job will run at that time for all the selected days. Specify the time using the format HH:MM XM.

This option can be used in combination with the Starting date and Run job on fields. It cannot be used in combination with the Run job every option. 

Editing Job Schedules

Once you create a job, you can edit the schedule as needed. You have the option of editing one job schedule at a time or bulk editing schedules.

Editing the Schedule for One Job

  1. Select Jobs.

  2. Search for the job.

  3. When you hover to the left of the job name in the list, a selection box appears. Click to select this box. A check mark displays in the box to indicate the job has been selected.

  4. Once you select a job, More options text displays on the right side of the screen. Hover on More options, and select Manage schedule.

  5. The Schedule job to run modal displays. Add or edit the job schedule as needed. 

  6. Select Done to save the changes and apply the new schedule to the job. 

Editing the Schedule for Multiple Jobs

  1. Select Jobs.

  2. Search for the job.

  3. When you hover to the left of the job name in the list, a selection box appears. Click to select this box. A check mark displays in the box to indicate the job has been selected. 

  4. Once you have selected multiple jobs, select the Manage Schedules button that displays on the right side of the screen.

  5. The Schedule job to run modal displays. Add or edit the job schedule as needed. 

  6. Select Done to save the changes and apply the new schedule to the job.

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DryvIQ Migrate Version: 5.9.4
Release Date: March 6, 2025