


The DryvIQ Platform’s bi-directional hybrid/sync capabilities enable organizations to leverage and preserve content across on-premises systems and any cloud service. Seamless to users, new files/file changes from either system are automatically reflected in the other. DryvIQ Migrate uses jobs to perform specific actions between the source and destination platforms. While there are several job types available, the most common type of jobs are copy and sync. See Job Transfer Direction for more information.

Creating Jobs

To create a job, select the Jobs option from the left menu, and select Create Job.

This will launch the Job wizard. There DryvIQ will lead you through a wizard to select all the applicable options for your scenario. There are seven steps.

Job Creation Step


Job Creation Step


Job Type

The job type defines the kind of job and the actions the job will perform with the content.  There are four job types available:

  • basic transfer: This will copy all content (files, folders) from the source to the destination. Each Job run will detect any new content on the source and copy to the destination.

  • folder mapping: DryvIQ automatically creates a unique job for each folder in your hierarchy. The child jobs inherit configurations from the parent job. The parent job can be controlled and manipulated just like a transfer job, but no data is transferred when this job is executed. Instead, each execution creates, modifies, or deletes its child jobs, which are then responsible for the transfer of data. 

  • user account mapping: DryvIQ will create a unique job for each user account that can be matched between the source and destination connections.

  • network home drive mapping: DryvIQ will create a unique job for each user account that can be matched between the source and destination connections.


During this step, you will select your source and destination connections and the path for the job. You can enable impersonation for the job during this step.


Categories allow for the logical grouping of jobs for reporting and filtering purposes.  The category is optional and does not alter the job function in any way. DryvIQ comes with a “Default” category that is assigned to all new jobs. You can create and manage custom categories based on your needs.


Policies is where you define what should happen once items have been successfully transferred and where you set up rules around how to deal with content as it is updated on your platforms while the job is running. Policies define how DryvIQ handles file version conflicts and whether or not it persists a detected file deletion. Each job has its own policies defined, and the settings are NOT global across all jobs.


Behaviors determine how the job should execute and what course of action to take in different scenarios. Some behaviors are enabled by default as recommended settings to ensure content is transferred successfully to the destination.

Advanced Options

The Advanced section provides optional job configurations that determine what features you want to preserve, filter, or add during your content transfer. 


During this step, you will review the configuration settings selected before creating the job. This is also where you will create the job schedule and stop policies.


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DryvIQ Migrate Version: 5.9.4
Release Date: March 6, 2025