A new Stale Data insights page was added so you can identify your outdated data, also referred to as redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data. Learn more here.
The forced column setup on first access has been removed. The page now defaults to showing all columns and content for the columns. You need to click Edit columns and adjust the display to reflect the preferred display. The column order was changed to display the most important file details first. Now, the Item Name column includes the path, and this column is followed by the File Details elements in a new order: Bytes, Created on, Created by, Modified on, Modified by, Owner, and Last Touched. A new Owner column was added to the display grid to show who is assigned as the owner of the file. For platforms that don't support a separate owner, this column will default to the author (created by). The Results grid now includes four new sharing columns as part of the Permissions entity type: 1. Shared via External Links to identify files shared with users outside of the internal domain, 2. Shared via Internal Links to identify files shared with users in the internal domain, 3. Shared Link User Addresses to identify the email addresses for the users to whom the files is shared, and 4. Shared Link Group Names to show the group names with whom the file has been shared. Bytes formatting was updated to follow a more standard byte format. Instead of reporting the size in just bytes, we now format the size into a corresponding unit (B, KB, MB, etc.). The Sharing and Permissions filter was renamed Sharing and Access Control. As part of this rename, the sections were reorganized and updated to make the filters more effective. Part of the filter updates was the addition of operators that allow you to add more specific filtering for the user and group sharing. Learn more here. The Filters and Search buttons were renamed Filter and Refine (respectively). In addition, highlighting was added to the buttons to make it clear they have been selected. The filter pills for a location only include the contextual path as this is the most important part of the location, and it should be visible. This applies to all places in Discover where locations are displayed. You can now choose to save a view as a new view or an existing view. If no saved views exist, you have to save the view as a new view. If there are existing views saved, you can choose to update a view (save the current view as an existing view) or create a new saved view. Learn more here. DryvIQ now uses natural sorting. Learn more about how natural sorting works here.
The scan status is now available on the Discover Locations page. The Scan status column display when the last scan ran for each location. If a scan is in progress, this field will display a progress bar to indicate the scan progress. If scans are running for multiple locations, each location will display its own progress bar. The Discover Locations page refreshes every minute. Learn more here.
The last scanned date has been added to the top of the Policy reporting page (next to the active toggle). This allows you to see how old the scan results are when reviewing the policy reports. This date does not automatically refresh. The data only updates if you navigate to another page or manually refresh the page. Updates were made so you don't lose your place when editing a policy. Before, when you clicked Apply changes, the current tracking group would close, and the screen would reset to the top of the page. Now, the tracking group remains open, and the screen stays at the same location on the on the page. When editing policies, new logic was added so the Apply changes button is unavailable if no changes have been made to the page. This provides a visual indicator whether edits have taken place and if saving is required.
The scan status is now available on the Govern Data Sources page. The Status column display when the last scan ran for each location. If a scan is in progress, this field will display a progress bar to indicate the scan progress. If scans are running for multiple locations, each location will display its own progress bar. The Govern Data Sources page does not refresh, so a manual refresh is required to view progress. Learn more here.
A new Active User Status entity type was added. It will identify if the owner and/or creator of a file is active and can identify if users with whom the file has been shared are active. The File Details entity type includes two new fields: 1. Owner: This will identify the owner of a file. Some platforms (such as Box and Google) allow an owner who is different from the creator to be assigned to a file. If owner is not supported, the creator will be considered the owner. 2. Last Touched: This is the last time the file was touched. It uses the most recent accessed date or last modified date based on which date the platform supports.
The Licensing page now displays the byte limits set for both Migrate and Govern/Discover. We also optimized how we calculate the volume used, which may cause your volume used to go up slower than it did previously. There will be no retroactive changes to your calculations, but this will affect all jobs run after you upgrade to the 23.08.16162131 release. Please see the License page for additional information on how usage will be calculated going forward.
For jobs using Google Drive as the source connection, a permission reset will now properly reapply permissions to converted Google Docs. Updates were made to ensure newly uploaded items on the source are transferred on delta runs. If a job that is part of a connection pool contains an invalid URL, the job will not run and will be flagged as “Failed to start.” This message will be listed in the log, and the failed job will not impact the other jobs associated with the connector. Upgrade scripts no longer fail due to a NULL extension. Updates were made to the Box connector to correct an issue where only 100 permissions (collaborations in Box) were being returned.