DryvIQ Migrate Release Notes
Release Date: March 2December 17, 20232024
DryvIQ Migrate version 5.39.3 2 was available on March 2December 17, 20232024. This is a maintenance release that focuses on enhancements and bug fixes. Learn more about the release below. For detailed information about individual items, refer to the DryvIQ Platform Documentation Center.Migrate Documentation Center.
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If updating DryvIQ from version older than 5.8, the upgrade will take an extended amount of time due to database updates. Do not cancel the update; let the update complete even if it seems to be taking an excessive amount of time. |
New Features and Enhancements
New SharePoint Online configuration option for permissions: For Microsoft SharePoint connections, a new use_csom_for_permissions configuration option was added to specify that you want to use the CSOM API rather than the Graph API for retrieving and setting permissions. This setting is useful if you want to maintain “can’t download” permissions since the Graph API has a limitations on what permissions it provides. Learn more here.
Set inspection policy during job creation: You can now set the Item Inspection Policy when creating a job. A new Change item inspection policy setting has been added to the Behaviors page in the job wizard. With the toggle off, the default inspection policy will be None. Enabling the toggle allows you to set the policy to Filtered, Shared, or All. Learn more here.
Updates were made to ensure file names are truncated or a sanitization exception is added to the job activity based on the job settings if an item name exceeds the destination’s limit on a rename operation.
The last_failure_message column in the jobs export now populates for all jobs (where applicable).
Reauthenticating a Network File System connection will no longer create a new connection.
Versions now transfer from SharePoint on-premises connections.
The Link Detection feature was updated to handle “null exception” and “set attribute” errors during link remediation.
DryvIQ will no longer transfer items if they have been added to or moved to a subfolder excluded by job filters.
A fix was made to ensure items in retry are properly flagged with a “retry” status and not marked as “completed.”
Updates were made to fix list items in Box Notes not converting during migration.
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Updating the DryvIQ Platform does not update the Command-line Interface (CLI). If you use the CLI, you should update it when you update to a new version of DryvIQ to ensure the CLI is current. Run the CLI install command to update the CLI. |
Previous Release Notes
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title | 5.9.1 (November 7, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsFixesFiltering a user map by “External” now properly filters the results. Items will not transfer twice when the parent folder is in a “Retry” status. Microsoft SharePoint Online connectors will sanitize colons in root path names properly based on the unsupported character setting for the job. SharePoint Libraries will not be identified as Sites for tenant SharePoint Online connections when crawling is enabled for the connector. The DryvIQ Box connector will properly assign Owner to access rules during change detection. The DryvIQ Migration API was updated to ensure permissions are properly propagated when inheritance is broken.
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title | 5.9 (October 18, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsLink detection setting renamed: The job setting used to enable link detection has been renamed to Allow link detection and remediation on supported filesto reflect the full capabilities available when the feature is enabled for the job. Learn more here. Docusign template sharing handling: The DryvIQ Docusign connector was updated to manage shared templates. Templates will be shared to the Administrators group when migrating. Learn more here.
Fixes |
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title | 5.8.1 (October 7, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsFixesBatch support was added to the Dropbox for Business connector when author preservation is enabled to reduce the number of “too_many_write_operations” messages encountered. The Dropbox for Business connector was updated to prevent the impersonation list from timing out when searching for a user. The Microsoft OneDrive for Business and Microsoft Office 365 connectors were updated to correct an issue where files with more than 200 versions were listing the versions out of order. Link remediation was updated to properly escape forward slashes when remediating links on Microsoft Office 365 tenants. The Network File System SMB connector was updated to fix an issue that prevented the connector from seeing users or groups during a permissions migration. Updates were made to ensure distinct SIDs are assigned to disabled users across multiple jobs. Item tracking was improved to prevent issues when moving a root-level item to a newly created folder.
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title | 5.8 (September 4, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsNew Docusign Connector: DryvIQ now offers a read-only Docusign connector that can be used to migrate files and templates out of your Docusign account and into your preferred content storage platform. Learn more here. New managed Network File System connector: DryvIQ now offers two Network File System connections in Windows environments. The original Network File System connector uses NFS protocol to access files. The new managed Network File System connector is a read-only connector that uses SMBLibrary to make the connection, which may allow for better performance than the native connector in some instances. The new managed connector can be used as a source connection for Migrate jobs but cannot be used as the destination connection. Improved filter logic: DryvIQ now applies the job filters to all items that have changed on subsequent job runs to improve transfer results. This means that an item that did not transfer on a previous job run will transfer on a subsequent run if a change causes the item to now meet an include filter criteria. Similarly, an item that originally transferred will be skipped if the update causes the item to now meet an exclude filter criteria. Improved link remediation performance: Updates were made to improve the link remediation queries. This will result in overall faster performance of the link remediation feature.
FixesOwner preservation for disabled users on root folder creation for Microsoft Office 365 will now be preserved if the information needed to resolve the user is available through either the EnsureUser CSOM API call or the _api/web/siteusers REST API call from Microsoft. External email invitations are now properly sent for Microsoft Office 365 connections. SharePoint On-premises connections can now be created in Linux environments. A fix was made to prevent the “Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error could occur during link remediation.
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title | 5.7.4 (August 9, 2024) |
FixesThe Google Drive connector was updated to accommodate paging through file versions from the Google API to ensure all versions transfer when version preservation is enabled. Updates were made to link remediation to prevent jobs from hanging when certain link patterns are present in documents. The Links tab for a parent job now displays the links identified for all its child jobs. The Network File System (SMB) connector was updated to correct a "The path 'xxxx' cannot be made relative to parent 'yyyy'" error that would occur when scanning items for this connector.
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title | 5.7.3 (July 11, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsNew Jobs Grid and Jobs Export Headers: The Jobs grid was enhanced to add additional column headers to provide more options for viewing information on the page. In addition, the Jobs Export was updated to include the new fields to provide more comprehensive reporting on your jobs. The new fields include: last_execution next_execution current_execution_duration category created_on modified_on successful_bytes successful_bytes_all_versions revised_bytes revised_bytes_all_versions revised_items retry_bytes retry_bytes_all_versions retry_items flagged_bytes flagged_bytes_all_versions flagged_items skipped_bytes skipped_bytes_all_versions skipped_items transfer_rate_bytes_per_second
FixesDuplicate entries are no longer added to the audit logs when access rules are applied to items. Logs now respect applied filter dates. Dropbox connections can now successfully be created. Duplicated jobs using Google Shared Drives as the source platform now start without error. The Microsoft Office 365 connector can now access classic picture library types. The Box connector was updated to correct an issue that affected creating impersonation jobs through the REST API. A job will no longer produce an error when created through the REST API with only the username field in the impersonate_as block. If Microsoft responds with an “item already exists” during a batch migration job, DryvIQ now compares the latest set of item properties (modified, versions and number of bytes) to the item properties in the batch job. If the properties on the existing destination file do not match the properties in the batch job, DryvIQ will generate an error identifying the conflicting properties. In the error, original is the item property in the batch job, and latest is the item property on the destination. The item will be flagged as “Retry” and will be handled like a normal retry item. After selecting the retry action (Retry, Ignore, etc.), the item should be resolved. The OpenText and ShareFile connectors were updated to ensure folder renames migrate when one of these connectors is used as the source connection for a migration job. Updates were made to link remediation to prevent malformed links from affecting job performance or preventing jobs from finishing.
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title | 5.7.2 (June 7, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsThe Jobs export now includes the last failure message and status for each job on the export. Items flagged for retry that no longer exist will now be marked as “Ignored,” and an audit log message will be added for the item. Improvements were made to Simulation Jobs to prevent jobs failing with an "Object reference" error when targeting a destination folder that doesn't exist.
FixesThe SharePoint connectors were updated to correct an issue that would sometimes correlate an old version of an item as the current version. Encoded characters can now be used the destination path when creating a SharePoint connector in DryvIQ. When paging sites at the Microsoft Office 365 tenant level, all sites for a tenant will be available in the Locations picker. The Dropbox for Business and Dropbox for Business Teams Folders connectors were updated to produce better error messages when attempting to impersonate an invalid or unknown Dropbox user account during author preservation. The HCP Anywhere connector was updated to prevent "The application was unable to obtain a valid access token to the storage platform" errors in jobs when HCP Anywhere source system is under load. The NFS connector was updated to ensure Execute access rights were properly applied to NFS items. Updates were made to prevent 500 errors and rate limit exceptions from disabling a connector. DryvIQ will return null to prevent an error for files with unparsable created on, modified on, or last accessed time. Link remediation was updated to remediate links to files outside the current job. Improved error messaging was added to identify when there is an issue with the user or group map configuration. Updates were made to improve loading of the DryvIQ API documentation. DryvIQ deployments in Kubernetes environments now respect log level set on the Performance page in the Settings. When DryvIQ encounters a write/delete collision during a copy job (one-way transfer), it will prefer the write and treat it as a new item, generating a new platform ID.
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title | 5.7.1 (May 17, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsFixesThe SharePoint connector was updated to correct an issue that would sometimes correlate an old version as the current when reading an item. Items that were marked for Retry but no longer exist will now be marked as Ignored with an audit log message. Updates were made to prevent 500 errors and rate limit exceptions from disabling connections. When a write event occurs on the source and a move out of job scope event on the destination is detected, the moved file will be deleted. All sites for a tenant will be available when paging through the Locations picker at the Office 365 tenant level. Execute access rights are properly applied to NFS items. Link remediation for files outside the job now properly remediates. DryvIQ will return null to prevent an error for files with an unparsable created on, modified on, or last accessed date.
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title | 5.6.2 (March 7, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsA new job setting can be configured for delta job runs to skip destination events in scenarios where the subsequent job run occurs after an initial run into an empty destination. This setting can only be set using the API and must be set per job run. Learn more here. The Items job report page now allows you to display Mime type as one of the column headers. It displays the mime type for five types of Google documents: Google Jamboard, Google Sites, Google Maps, Google Forms, and Lucidchart. Learn more here. Records in the Transfer Item audit will now be purged after 90 days. The default value can be updated in the configuration options. The Dropbox connectors were updated to allow a connection to display unmounted folders. Refer to the Dropbox, Dropbox for Business, and Dropbox for Business Teams Folders connector pages for more information about this feature including its impact on connector performance. Items reported with an unknown status are now reported on the Overview and Items reports. The roll up reports now include a User Mappings page like the individual job report. This allows you to review all the user mappings for the jobs included in the report instead of having to go to the individual job to review the user mapping results. Updates were made to improve the performance of the Links export when an large number of links are included in the exported report.
FixesWhen you cancel the location picker modal for a Dropbox connection when creating a job, DryvIQ now properly sends Dropbox a cancelation token to cancel any additional paging requests. The Dropbox connector was updated to request and use refresh tokens for authentication. Folders with permissions set to Deny now show up as Flagged. Graphs were updated to show 0 instead of negative numbers. An error no longer occurs when duplicating jobs in the user interface without editing the root paths. An update was made to ensure the the metadata filter reason is populated in database when an item is excluded by an “Include” policy. Sorting by job duration now displays in proper chronological order. A null check was added to the Google connector to ensure links located on the root of the Google connection can be detected and resolved. The Job column on the Items page now sorts properly.
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title | 5.6.1 (February 9, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsFixes |
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title | 5.6 (January 25, 2024) |
New Features and EnhancementsLink remediation has been added to the Link Detection feature, so DryvIQ can now update the identified links, eliminating the need for manual remediation. Learn more here. An update was made to the “Move” transfer type to support moving duplicate files (multiple files on the source with the same name and extension) to the destination if the platform supports duplicate names. For SharePoint Online migrations, desktop.ini and .ds_store files will be revised and included in the revised file count. The Amazon S3 connector now supports permissions. However, the Amazon S3 permission structure affects how DryvIQ can apply permissions. Learn more here. DryvIQ now offers a Hitachi HCP Anywhere connector. Learn more here.
FixesThe Box connector was updated to manage the rare instance where the Box API returns duplicate items when DryvIQ request items in a folder. Files filtered using an “Include” policy will have the correct “SkipReason” field populated in the database.
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title | (December 7, 2023) |
New Features and EnhancementsDryvIQ tested and verified the Dropbox connectors (Dropbox for Business and Dropbox for Business Teams Folders) are compatible with the new Dropbox for Business Teams Spaces 2.0. You do not need to update existing Dropbox connections as DryvIQ works with both versions of Dropbox for Business Teams Spaces. The Google Workspace connector was updated with a new setting that allows DryvIQ to impersonate a file owner when deleting an item. This prevents items from being flagged when the file owner is different than the current impersonated user, requiring less manual remediation. Learn more here. The Microsoft SharePoint Online connectors were updated to support vanity URLs. When adding permission preservation settings to items during job creation, you can now choose to preserve only shared links. Learn more here.
FixesRestoring deleted items to the destination no longer results in multiple copies being created with # appended to the name. Because Google does not allow downloading of native link files that appear on the Google platforms, DryvIQ now filters these files out of the migration job and logs the skipped reason for reference. A fix was made to ensure the Reports page in the DryvIQ Cloud environment loads. A change was made to the SharePoint Online connectors to refresh the server time zone to ensure proper timestamps for on-premises and customer-hosted deployments. Filtered items are now properly labeled as “ignored” rather than being added to the flagged items.
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title | 5.5.5 (November 2, 2023) |
New Features and EnhancementsA new option was added to the Author Preservation settings that allows you to preserve authorship of the destination root folder. Learn more here. The Box connector was updated to improve how DryvIQ pages large amounts of content to improve transfer performance.
FixesChanges were made to how DryvIQ handles sharing to external users for Microsoft SharePoint Online connectors to ensure requests show up in External Access Invitations. An update was made to the Box connector to ensure duplicate files are not created when DryvIQ encounters errors when transferring content.
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title | (October 13, 2023) |
New Features and EnhancementsA new “Account/Group Unmapped” Revision filter has been added to the Items page so the grid can be filtered to show just unmapped files. Learn more here. To ensure performance, the permissions export available on the Sharing Insights page has been limited to one million rows. Learn more here.
FixesThe Network File System (NFS) connector was updated to prevent errors from being produced when using read-only accounts for the connection. The SharePoint Online connectors were updated with the following fixes: Microsoft CSOM will be used to ensure external user notifications are sent when this option is enabled for the connection. Permissions added using shared links will be preserved when migrating between SharePoint connections.
The Office 365 application registration has been updated to show “DryvIQ” instead of “SkySync.” The Egnyte connector was updated to fix the following issues with metadata mapping: Metadata mapping to date fields no longer fails. An issue with setting and retrieving date fields in Egnyte metadata templates has been fixed. This included adding support for metadata timestamp values using the yyyymmdd format. Requesting the metadata schema for an Egnyte connection through the REST API no longer produces an error.
Root permissions are now properly transferred from the source to a SharePoint Online document library. Jobs will now correctly read the source and destination targets when only the platform ID is used to create the job through the REST API. An update was made to the account mapping logic to include the username in the hashing calculation to improve performance for account maps where only the username is available.
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title | (September 13, 2023) |
UpdatesWhen applying permissions to individual files, DryvIQ will apply permissions after the first version is transferred rather than after all versions have been transferred. This will prevent “access denied” errors when transferring versions with author preservation. Updates were made to the SharePoint Online connectors to use fewer Graph API requests when processing items during a delta run, which should result in faster job runs. The wording on the Licensing page was edited to ensure it reflects the functionality available on the page.
FixesUpdates were made to SharePoint online connections to properly manage duplicate folder names on move events. OneDrive for Business connections now properly display user folders so the file path can be specified when creating a job. DryvIQ now successfully creates the target folder when the folder name matches the SharePoint Site name. Migration jobs using SharePoint Online connections now handle European local settings datetime formats correctly on Windows Servers for additional edge cases. A fix was made to correct a regression in version 5.5 to ensure scheduled transfer or policy jobs are added to the intended scheduler, eliminating duplicate entries in the database. The "Downloading content is not supported for file" message is now an error rather than a warning. Items that receive this message will be added to the Flagged Items so you can choose to retry or ignore the items. This change is not retroactive, so items that received this message previous to 5.5.1 will still be flagged with a warning. Items flagged as “Retry” in a job no longer produce a disconnected tracking error.
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title | (August 16, 2023) |
UpdatesDryvIQ now supports connection to Hitachi Object Storage for custom S3 implementations. Learn more here. We have optimized how we calculate the volume used, which may cause your volume used to go up slower than it did previously. There will be no retroactive changes to your calculations, but this will affect all jobs run after you upgrade to the 5.5 release. Please see Licensing for additional information on how usage will be calculated going forward. You may also notice that there is a new section on the Licensing page for "Govern/Discovery bytes under management.” This section only affects customers using the Govern or Discover products. If you are interested in learning more about what the Govern or Discover products offer, please submit an inquiry here or contact us at 1-888-550-3721.
FixesFor jobs using Google Drive as the source connection, a permission reset will now properly reapply permissions to converted Google Docs. Updates were made to ensure newly uploaded items on the source are transferred on delta runs. If a job that is part of a connection pool contains an invalid URL, the job will not run and will be flagged as “Failed to start.” This message will be listed in the log, and the failed job will not impact the other jobs associated with the connector. Upgrade scripts no longer fail due to a NULL extension. Updates were made to the Box connector to correct an issue where only 100 permissions (collaborations in Box) were being returned.
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title | (August 3, 2023) |
UpdatesThe Amazon S3 connector was updated to support using a Service URL to access custom Amazon S3 implementations. Learn more here. The job details JSON was modified to accommodate different deployment models. Information will be returned in one of the fields below based on where DryvIQ is installed.
FixesThe SMB Network File Share (Linux) connector was updated to improve retry handling when encountering intermittent errors and to fix the handling of percent (%) and pound (#) signs in parent folder URLs. When a permissions reset is performed after an initial job execution, newly applied permissions are now correctly recorded in the audit log. If a job exceeds the maximum number of items per container based on the platform limit, the containers will be flagged as “Limit Failures” in the user interface and in the logs. Updates were made to prevent JSON files in private cloud environments from including duplicate and empty keys.
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title | (June 29, 2023) |
UpdatesFixes |
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title | (June 6, 2023) |
FixesA fix was made to prevent jobs from failing due to a “server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters" error due to unused parameters not being cleared from a SQL Command. Rate limit retry handling was added to impersonation initialization in pooled connectors, so jobs will be flagged to retry when receiving the 429 response code. A fix was made to prevent tracking items from being duplicated in the database after a hard reset. This was causing “The path cannot be made relative to the parent" errors. Updates were made to the Google Workspace to fix issues with shared links. User permissions to files added through shared links will now be migrated. If shared links were sent to specific users, those users will be migrated instead of the link coming across as “Everyone.” The following fixes were made to Microsoft connectors: Delta job runs were failing with a “Destination path not found” error due to folders being saved with the incorrect item type for folder mapping jobs using Microsoft Office 365 as a destination. This issue has been resolved. Child jobs for folder mapping jobs were being removed and recreated if the the Microsoft Office 365 tenant-level connection was created by manually entering the site and document library path. This issue has been resolved. Guest accounts in Active Directory will now receive external account notifications when the Microsoft Office 365 or Microsoft OneDrive connector is configured to send external user notifications.
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title | (May 22, 2023) |
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title | (May 5, 2023) |
FixesWhen refreshing disconnected Network File System connections, you can now edit the Username and Password fields to update credentials as needed. Updates were made to correct an issue with sync jobs between Microsoft SharePoint connections and Procore that was causing files to be deleted and duplicated. Jobs that reach the destination space limit will now stop running and produce a storage failure message. Updates were made to prevent sync jobs from throwing a tracking information error when subfolders are deleted and content is moved between subfolders.
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title | (April 20, 2023) |
New Features and EnhancementsFixesUpdates were made to prevent jobs from getting stuck in a queued status due to a “Quartz.JobPersistenceException.” Permissions for disinherited folders will be reapplied when performing a permissions reset on a job from Box to Microsoft Office 365. Duplicated jobs no longer ignore the version setting from the original job. Updates were made to prevent an “object reference error” when resolving export links between Google Shared Drives and Microsoft OneDrive. If an impersonated user is disabled in Box when it is set as the source connection, the Job status will be set to “Failed to start” rather than “Idle.” Updates were made to logging to add a new "Fatal" job execution status. Jobs that encounter this error will have a “Failed” status in the user interface.
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title | (March 2, 2023) |
New Features and EnhancementsThe Microsoft SharePoint connections (Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive for Business, and Microsoft Teams) were updated to provide the SourceType field Microsoft now requires when calling the Migration API. Please refer to Microsoft’s What’s new in the Migration API documentation for more information about the new required field. The Dashboard page was updated to remove links to outdated blog posts.
FixesThe ShareFile connector was updated to fix an issue where a job configured to only transfer the latest version of a file was skipping files and only transferring directories. When a Sharepoint Migration API batch job encounters a “JobError” or “JobFatalError,” all items in that batch job will be marked as retry. The “Move” job type now consistently deletes items after they have been migrated. File updates in OneDrive were being detected as move events in a sync job, resulting in files being transferred repeatedly. This issue has been resolved. Sync jobs between Box and NFS will no longer produce a "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" error.
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title | (February 2, 2023) |
EnhancementBox changed the way it reports rate limit errors, so DryvIQ updated our Box connector to reflect this change. Rate limits will be reported with the following error: Request rate limit exceeded, please try again later [code=rate_limit_exceeded] . New indexes were added to the TransferItemEmbeddedLinks table to improve query performance and minimize issues with connecting to the database. New indexes were added to the permissions tables to improve performance and solve timeout issue in some environments.
FixesUpdates were made to the CLI to correct an issue that prevented the SkySync CLI (DryvIQ’s CLI interface) from running on Node JS version18 and higher. Users having an issue running the CLI must update their SkySync CLI to 5.3.2 to correct this issue. A fix was made to ensure cancelled jobs do not continue to run. An update in Fiddler Classic and Fiddler Everywhere caused an issue that prevents .SAZ FiddlerCore output files from being opened. DryvIQ made changes to its integration with FiddlerCore to work around the issue and ensure the .SAZ files can be viewed. Updates were made to the Microsoft Office 365 connector to ensure the Set Tenant Level Connection setting is being respected when the connection is created. For folder mapping jobs between Network File System and Microsoft Office 365, child jobs that were created from a source folder that began with a pound sign (#) would fail due to a SharePoint exception. This issue has been resolved.
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title | (January 5, 2023) |
FixesUpdates were made to prevent jobs from getting stuck when using the truncation feature. SharePoint On-premises folders containing more than 10,000 items caused excess memory usage. This issue has been resolved. A fix was made to prevent "path cannot be made relative to the parent" error when an out-of-scope event is processed for a job. If an item triggers a "tracking information for item XXXXX is disconnected from the root" exception, the item will be added to the the Flagged Items and require manual remediation. Updates were made to publish job types to prevent an “object reference not set” error due to locked files that are deleted on subsequent job executions.
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title | (December 6, 2022) |
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Important information for Box users! DryvIQ made changes to its API to ensure additional calls are made to Box to prevent missing data on the destination due to an issue with the Box API not respecting the number of items requested in a call. Therefore, DryvIQ recommends that all customers who have a Box connector update to the 5.2.6 release. If you upgrade to 5.2.6 and notice missing data on the destination platform, perform a soft reset on the job. This will ensure any missing items get transferred. |
EnhancementsUpdates were made to the Box connector to compensate for the Box API not respecting the number of items requested. This caused DryvIQ to not make additional requests for items, potentially missing events from Box. The changes ensure additional requests are made to include all files. The default value for the “"skip_batch_validation" configuration setting is now TRUE. The specified SharePoint connector will not perform a post batch upload validation using the Microsoft Graph API. The results of the batch job will be used to determine if files were successful. By skipping post batch upload validation, DryvIQ will be making fewer Graph API calls, which should reduce rate limits and increase job throughput.
FixesUpdates were made to the Box Notes rendition to prevent line breaks caused by font formatting and to prevent a column width value error when converting tables. Fixes were made to notification emails to ensure notifications are sent on initial upload using the migration API and to prevent notification emails from being sent to all users on a permissions reset.
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title | (November 8, 2022) |
New Features and EnhancementsThe Box connector has been enhanced to support the new Box Notes 2.0 update to ensure Box notes transfer as expected. The Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive for Business, and Box connectors have been enhanced to skip calling the Versions API endpoint if only one version of the file exists, limiting the number of API calls made.
Fixes |
The Microsoft Office 365 connector was updated to better handle library permissions. If DryvIQ is not able to obtain the inheritance settings for a document library (due to an error during the request or other unknown application error), DryvIQ will produce an ”Unable to determine Document Library permissions inheritance. Retry the item to resolve the issue. Contact support if the problem persists” exception for all items in the batch request. All items will be set to a retry status. This allows DryvIQ to retry obtaining inherited permission settings rather than making assumptions about the library’s unique permissions and enabled inheritance. The Report Overview page now reflects the accurate resolved value when using the “skip batch validation” setting with the Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive for business connectors. Fixes were made to prevent an “Object reference not set to an instance of an error” when writing to the log file.
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title | (October 6, 2022) |
New Features and EnhancementsFixes |
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title | (September 27, 2022) |
FixesThe Google Shared Drive connector was updated to improve handling of Microsoft Office files when the native import option is enabled. The Jobs page no longer times out when filtering the list for “running” jobs. Updates were made to the logic used to set the node InstanceID in a multi-node environment. The owner permissions for files and folders in Box are now transferred when permissions preservation is enabled. Setting the transfers:skip_preserve_owners_on_failure option in the appsettings.json is now respected.
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title | (September 8, 2022) |
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This update can take up to 20 minutes to complete due to database performance updates included in the release. |
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Microsoft Windows Server 2022 was tested as part of this release to verify it is a supported Microsoft Windows version. |
EnhancementsImprovements were made to the log messages to help users better understand the errors and the steps that should be taken to remediate the issues. A performance update was made for PostgreSQL to improve queries on the Items Report page. A performance update was made to the TransferLastFailure view for PostgreSQL to improve delta run performance.
FixesSync jobs between SharePoint Online and Egnyte were creating multiple versions of files on both platforms even though the files had not been updated on either side. This issue has been resolved. Updates were made to the Microsoft Office 365 connector to ensure tenant-level connection settings persist after a credential refresh. The Box connector was updated to prevent duplicate files from being created with “(1)” added to the filename when native event detection is enabled for Box. Copy jobs from a Network File System to SharePoint 2019 on premises will apply proper permissions inheritance. Duplicating a folder mapping job and changing the target for one of the connections will no longer produce an “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error.
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title | (August 4, 2022) |
Connector UpdatesGoogle WorkspaceWhen creating a Google Workspace connection, you can now choose to create the connection with read-only access. Note that this requires that the Google account used to create the connection have matching access writes. Learn more here. FixesA blank screen no longer displays when viewing additional pages of the group map in the user interface. Updates were made to the Dropbox for Business Team Folders connector to prevent legacy team folder accounts from producing a “Value cannot be null” error during job execution. Additional logging has been added to help troubleshoot failed notifications.
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title | 5.2.3352 (July 14, 2022) |
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This release includes rebranding from SkySync to DryvIQ. You will see the DryvIQ logo in the application after updating, and references to the platform will now be DryvIQ. All functionality in the platform remains the same. The Documentation Center is currently being rebranded, so you may still see references to SkySync, but those will go away over the next few weeks. You can read more about our rebrand on the DryvIQ Website. |
Connector UpdatesBoxUpdates were made to how Box Notes are transferred to improve job performance. Learn more here. Microsoft ConnectorsThe Microsoft Office 365 GccH and OneDrive for Business GccH connectors have been updated to use Microsoft’s Graph API. Updates were made to the SharePoint online connectors (Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive for Business, and Microsoft Teams) per Microsoft’s suggestions to improve overall job performance. A new configuration option was added to the SharePoint Online connectors to disable batch upload file validation on the initial transfer. This helps alleviate rate limit issues. Learn more here.
New Configuration OptionsNew configuration options were added so you can set the type of reset DryvIQ should perform. You can set the reset type globally or per job. Learn more here. A new configuration option was added so you can choose to skip setting Owner Preservation if there is an error while uploading a file/folder to the mapped owner. Learn more here.
FixesWhen retrying a previously failed move event, the platform will not produce a “The path cannot be made relative to parent” error. Inherited permissions on NFS are now properly detected and applied to the destination. The Box connector was updated to not make an API call for each file version when using native event change detection. The CLI was updated to correct an error after installation. DryvIQ will no longer produce an "Item could not be located in the storage platform" error if items already exist on the destination during a Microsoft Office 365 batch upload. Updates to the Microsoft Office 365 connector correct issues with retrieving folders from custom site collections with a subsite. The OpenText connector was updated to fix an HTTP timeout issue.
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title | (June 2, 2022) |
FixesSimulation jobs with Box as the source connection and the Box Notes rendition enabled no longer log errors for every Box Note. Folder names on a Network File Share ending in numbers surrounded by brackets ([]) would cause errors if virtual versioning was enabled. This issue has been resolved. Updates were made to the Microsoft SharePoint Online connectors (Office 365, OneDrive for Business, and Teams) to prevent duplicate users in the batch manifest files. Folder Mapping Jobs into a Google Platform (Google Workspace, Google Shared Drive, or Google Drive) will not create duplicate folders.
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title | (May 5, 2022) |
EnhancementsAn enhancement was made for Box to improve account mapping results. The application will always use an account’s email address as its username so the account can be automatically mapped when selecting “map by username” during account map creation. The Procore connector now supports connection pooling.
FixesThe system only creates one child job for duplicated folder mapping jobs that have been edited to use a different source target folder. Updates were made to the Syncplicity connector to prevent large file transfers from failing. Security updates were made to address a vulnerability with how Windows handles the paths of services running on the system. The service image path now uses quotes instead of spaces to prevent the Windows vulnerability from being exploited. Enabling batch mode for Microsoft Office 365 or Microsoft OneDrive for business no longed disables permission inheritance logging.
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title | (April 11, 2022) |
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title | (April 7, 2022) |
EnhancementsThe roll-up reports now include a Validation tab. This tab displays the content reconciliation for all the jobs included in the report. The Validation reports calculations were also enhanced to ensure reporting on all files and folders, including results for flagged, skipped, and retry items. This helps provide an understanding of the progress of a job or group of jobs. Learn more here.
FixesNew folders added to SharePoint Online between job runs no longer produce a “The path cannot be made relative to parent” error. Updates were made to the Microsoft Office 365 connector to prevent duplicate users in migration batch jobs when the UPN is different than account email address. A fix was made to the Syncplicity connector to prevent large file transfers from failing with the error, "A rate limit exception occurred.” The platform prevents folders from being written to a location where the folder author doesn’t have permissions when a platform throws an “Item could not be located within storage platform” error.
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title | (March 3, 2022) |
FixesThe Microsoft Office 365 connection will now log a warning message and skip files when attempting to apply shared links at the library level rather than produce an “Unknown Error.” Updates were made to the Microsoft OneDrive for Business and Office 365 connections to prevent the “Specified Method not found” warning when requesting shared links for items with a pound sign (#) in the name. The Job Schedule now calculates the correct start window when running on a server using UTC time and client is using a browser in another time zone.
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title | (February 3, 2022) |
Connector EnhancementsFor all Microsoft SharePoint Online connectors (Office 365,OneDrive for Business,Teams,Office 365 GCC High, andOneDrive for Business GCC High), you can now specify if you want to use a soft delete (move items to the trash/recycle bin) or hard delete (permanently remove) when deleting items. Soft delete is the default delete behavior; however, selecting to hard delete ensures the platform trash doesn’t fill up with unwanted files. This option will be available when creating new connectors in the user interface and through the REST API. For existing connectors, you can patch the connector to set the delete parameter. Refer to the individual connector documentation pages for more information.
FixesFor Box connections, the issue where “(1)” was randomly added to files has been corrected. For Office 365 connections, teams as well as sites are available when creating the connections. Box Connectors will no longer disconnect after failing to retry a limit error during the token refresh. Scheduled jobs no longer fail to start due to an “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error. The impersonation path picker now loads the accounts when adding impersonation to the Dropbox for Business and Dropbox for Business Teams Folders connections. When duplicating a convention job, the schedule provided in the transfer JSON block is now properly applied to the child jobs. For Microsoft OneDrive for Business GCC High, jobs with permissions migration enabled but shared links disabled will not make requests to get shared links for an item. The Google Workspace connector can now be set to include owner in the metadata to ensure only files created by the owner of a drive are included in the transfer.
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title | (January 6, 2022) |
FixesUpdates were made to fix jobs failing to start due to an “Object Reference not set to instance of an object” error. A fix was made to the Procore connector to prevent jobs from failing on subsequent runs die to an "Item not found - Source path not found” error. When selecting jobs from a filtered job list, all selected jobs are started or added to the queue. The job list filter to view all failed jobs now properly includes both failed jobs and jobs that failed to start. Updates were made to the Box connector to ensure changes to files and folders on Box are identified.
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title | (December 9, 2021) |
FixesBox connections no longer disconnect after failing to retry a limit error during a token refresh. All sites are now visible when connected to the tenant root on Microsoft Office 365. When migrating from Box to Google Shared Drive, “Editor” permissions are now translated to “Content Manager” to retain equivalent permissions between platforms. Cloned Jobs copy the the target URI. A fix was made to prevent the “tracking data is disconnected from the root” error when files change on the source platform. A change was made to ensure files are properly deleted from NFS. Files with no extensions are no longer transferred as directories to Amazon S3. Updates prevent items from being flagged with “The account is not authorized to perform the requested operation” when migrating to Box using a user account map. Changes were made to how filtered content affects the byte limit. Filtered content will be counted towards the byte limit on the initial job run only. If a filter rule for a job has not changed or if the file has not moved from the initial status of filtered, the file will not be included in the byte limit on subsequent calculations. Job counts respect the concurrent jobs setting and will not increase the thread beyond what is configured. Permission resets no longer cause root-level permissions to be applied to all items.
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title | (October 21, 2021) |
Connector EnhancementsMicrosoft SharePoint ConnectorsGoogle Shared DrivesNew Features and EnhancementsA new Performance tab has been added to the Settings. This tab is only available to the global administrator account. The options here allow you to set the global parallel writes, concurrent jobs, bandwidth throttling, and logging level. It also provides an option to /wiki/spaces/S4D/pages/2925920269. Learn more here. Enabling the handling of invalid characters and truncation have been broken out into separate job behavior settings on the Behaviors page when creating a job. This means you can choose to enable each feature separately. When enabling the “Allow unsupported file names to be changed” option to handle invalid characters, you can now specify if you want to replace the characters with an underscore or UTF8 encode the invalid characters. Learn more here. The Last run start time field in the job schedule has been changed to Job stop time. Now, all jobs will stop running at the time specified in this field, so jobs that are actively running will stop without finishing. Learn more here.
FixesConnections using deprecated connectors can be deleted. Credentials can be refreshed for disconnected Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft OneDrive for Business connections. Transfers from SharePoint to Google Shared Drive using author preservation no longer use the modified date for the creation date. Link detection no longer throws an error causing the application to crash. Updates were made to prevent items being flagged with “item could not be located” error when the items are present on destination. When performing a permission reset, removed permissions are properly applied to the destination. A fix was made to stop Telerik FiddlerCore from causing jobs to hang. The platform no longer uses memory if no jobs are running.
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title | (August 6, 2021) |
Connector EnhancementsMicrosoft ConnectorsMicrosoft Office 365 OneDrive for Business Teams Office 365 GCC High OneDrive for Business GCC High BoxNew Features and EnhancementsThe Licensing page in Settings has been updated to remove the term “transfer.” Instead, you will now see the terms “Byte limit” and “Data under management.” This change was made to clarify that DryvIQ does not track transferred content; it tracks all analyzed content. Learn more here. When setting permissions for a job, the “Preserve item ownership” option has been renamed “Preserve item authorship/ownership” to more accurately reflect that DryvIQ is preserving authorship and/or ownership of the files and folders when supported by the platforms. Learn more here. You can now choose Job duration as one of the column headers for the Jobs grid. This allows you to see how long an active job has been running. Jobs that are not actively running will display a dash ( - ) as the status. /wiki/spaces/S4D/pages/742588554 User Job Mapping jobs have been updated to prevent the jobs from running until an account map is assigned to the job since the job is dependent on the mapping to ensure proper creation of the child jobs. Learn more here. The Jobs tab in the rollup reports now includes an Export this list link that can be used to export the list of jobs. Learn more here. When creating a Copy job through the user interface, Ignore items deleted from the source delete policy will be selected by default to more clearly indicate this is the default option for Copy jobs. Learn more here. The invalid path error messages on the Log tab now include the reason for the error message. This makes the messages more helpful for remediation. Learn more here.
FixesChanges made to the source or destination content no longer produces a “tracking information for item xxxx is disconnected from the root" error for Network File Share to Box sync jobs. When bulk starting a set of jobs, completed jobs will properly start. A fix was made to prevent an “out of memory” error when opening the platform API documentation. Delta job runs now migrate modifications to OneNote files. Invalid surrogate characters are now properly sanitized and no longer cause an “Invalid high surrogate character (0xDE8C)” error. When a connection to a network file share path is no longer valid, the connection will appear as disconnected in the Connections list. A fix was made to correct the “Method Not Allowed” error when updating a destination file and deleting the same file on source in sync jobs. Long link names no longer cause an SQL exception when the link detection feature is enabled for a job. Empty “created by” or “modified by” fields will now default to the default mapped user rather than the upload user.
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title | (June 29, 2021) |
Connector ImprovementsThe following connector improvements were made to improve connector performance. Google WorkspaceWhen creating a Google Workspace connection, you have the option to select the level where the connection is made: My Drive, Shared with Me, or Unorganized. Learn more here. Rate limits have been added to the Google Workspace connector to improve migration into and out of Google Workspace.
DropboxGeneral ImprovementsThe following improvements were made to improve performance of delta job runs. An improvement was made to default the number of parallel writes per job based on the CPU logical processor count on the machine running the DryvIQ service. This means DryvIQ will set the parallel writes value to maximize performance given the available resources. If the CPU Logical Processors is 2, the default parallel writes value is 4. If the CPU Logical Processors is 8, the default parallel writes value is 8. If the CPU Logical Processors is 32, the default parallel writes value is 12. Changes were made to correct issues with jobs failing to start and producing a “Transaction (Process ID 104) was deadlocked on lock” message. The maximum time between retries for failed HTTP(S) requests has been changed to two minutes. Changes have been made to prevent duplicate database calls from being executed close together. Improvements were made to optimize folder event handling.
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title | (May 17, 2021) |
Note |
Important information for Box users! Box lowered the maximum items allowed in an event call from 1000 to 500. DryvIQ made changes to its API to ensure additional calls are made to prevent missing data on the destination due to the limit change. Therefore, DryvIQ recommends that all customers who have a Box connector update to the 4.20.1 release. If you upgrade to 4.20.1 and notice missing data on the destination platform, perform a soft reset on the job. This will ensure any missing items get transferred. |
FixesBox lowered the maximum number of items returned in a call from 1000 to 500. DryvIQ made the necessary updates to its API calls to Box to ensure it does not miss any event detection changes. See the important note above for additional information and steps you may need to take. DryvIQ no longer sanitizes combined diacritical marks (a subset of Unicode) for Box. Hard, permission, and complete job resets will not recount usage after the reset. DryvIQ will respect the number of concurrent transfers set. When duplicating a disabled Simulation Job, Simulation Mode will be toggled off on the Job Summary page before saving the duplicate job. Groups created through the SharePoint Online Administrator portal are correctly handled by a Group Map set to map by ID.
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Known Issue for Office 365: When Office 365 is the destination connection, DryvIQ sometimes retransfers file versions when it shouldn’t, which will increment license usage. A fix for this issue is planned in the next maintenance release. |
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title | (April 30, 2021) |
New Features and EnhancementsDryvIQ now offers link detection as an option when creating jobs to identify any links in the files. Learn more here! DryvIQ now supports creating Office 365 (SharePoint Online) connections at the site collection, eliminating the need to create a connector for each site individually. Learn more here! Account and Group map exceptions and exclusions can now be uploaded from your computer or from the source platform. Learn more here! When creating a job through the user interface, you can now set the number of versions you want to retain between the source and destination when enabling version preservation for a job. Learn more here! “User account mapping” jobs have been renamed “User job mapping” to provide more clarity about the job function. Additional enhancements were made to the job creation screens for this job type to improve the workflow. Learn more here! The “Disconnect” option for connection maintenance is now “Delete” to better reflect what the option does. Learn more here! The tooltip that shows when hovering on segments in the graphs on the Overview tab for individual and roll-up job reports now includes the number of items and the percentage that segment represents of the overall content. Learn more here! The ability to hover on long titles to view the full title has been added throughout the application. You can use this feature in the grids on the Connections, Jobs, Flagged Items, and Items (both in Jobs and Reports) pages. DryvIQ has made minor revisions to the end user license agreement (EULA). You can review the revisions on the DryvIQ Website. DryvIQ upgraded its FiddlerCore integration to improve gathering logs for traffic. FiddlerCore is considered the default method for gathering logs for assistance from DryvIQ, and any issues with using it should be reported as High Priority issues to your Support or Services representative. L/wiki/spaces/S4D/pages/759890407
FixesChanges were made to the Box connector to prevent unintentional link sharing. When links are shared to specific invited people, DryvIQ will ignore the link and add the item to the audit log with a message that the item was skipped due to global sharing policies. Personal Drive Mapping jobs can now use LDAP connectivity on the source. DryvIQ no longer displays an “Item could not be located” error due to invalid characters. Mirror deletes now properly occur re-uploaded and deleted files. The tilde (~) was added to the SharePoint restricted segments list, and “0xFFFF” was added to the invalid characters list. This will prevent "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect" and "The item could not be located within the storage platform" errors. Items will now be properly removed from the Flagged Items once they are successfully transferred. Items that are in retry will properly move to a different status once the system hits the maximum number of retries. When Microsoft Office 365 or OneDrive for Business is the destination connection for sync jobs, document folders are no longer created source when they do not exist on destination. Changes have been made to the Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive for Business connections to prevent an error when attempting to transfer more than 50 external permissions. Changes made to either the source or destination during a sync job no longer result in the error: "The tracking information for item XXX is disconnected from the root. This could indicate corrupted tracking data. Please contact support." SharePoint multi-value metadata fields now correctly migrate to Box. SharePoint Online document library permission inheritance remains unchanged when using the Graph API when running jobs. A fix has been made to prevent high memory usage on jobs with large number of items migrating to Microsoft Office 365 or OneDrive for Business. When Egnyte is the source connection, Folder Mapping jobs at the root of an admin connection now start without an error. Google to Google migrations no longer trigger external sharing notifications if notifications have been turned off.
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title | (March 30, 2021) |
Microsoft Connector FixesWhen AMR is enabled for Microsoft SharePoint Online connections, folder names on the source platform that start with a # symbol will be transferred. For SharePoint 2013 and 2019 on premises connections, permissions inherited from the document library will propagate.
Google Connector FixesThe default value for the Allow file discovery option for Google Shared Drives and Google Workspace connections was changed to False. This means only users with whom a file has been shared can find and access the file. You will need to edit this value. This applies only to new connections created after the release. Existing connection will not be affected. Learn more about this setting on the Google Workspace connector page or Google Shared Drives connector page. Native Google documents will export from Google Shared Drives. Fixes were made to the Google Shared Drives connector to correct items duplicating after job resets. Folder mapping jobs for Google Shared Drives will no longer duplicate folders. External permissions are properly propagated for Google Shared Drives.
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It is possible that after a job runs where DryvIQ creates a shared drive, that you will not be able to see the drive in the Google UI. The drive is there, but it is outside of the UI view. DryvIQ has reported this issue to Google and is working with Google to help them resolve this issues. Until Google is able to resolve the issue, you can access the drives that are outside of the UI view through the Google Admin Console. In the Admin Console, go to Reporting. Select Audit Log. Select Drive. You will see the drive in the list. Click the link for the drive to access it.
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title | (March 4, 2021) |
FixesA fix was made to correct an issue where DryvIQ was causing high physical memory usage. The missing Authentication Type list has been added back to the Add Connection modal for Microsoft On-Premises connections. Box Notes updates are now detected on delta runs. A fix was made to prevent parent items from reloading unnecessarily on a GetItem call.
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title | (February 2, 2021) |
Connector EnhancementsBoxDropbox for Business Teams Folders Info |
There is a known issue with permission disinheritance when Dropbox for Business Teams Folders is the source platform. When migrating content to a destination platform that supports permission disinheritance, the disinheritance may not be correctly applied. This will be addressed in a future release. Please reach out to DryvIQ Customer Support or your DryvIQ Customer Success representative if you have questions regarding this issue. |
Google WorkspaceMicrosoft ConnectorsDryvIQ has upgraded its Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive for Business, and Teams connectors to use the Microsoft Graph API. This ensures jobs using any of these Microsoft connectors are using the latest API available from Microsoft. Existing jobs will not be upgraded to use the Graph API and will continue to run as the usually do. New connectors created after the 4.19 release will automatically use the Graph API. For the Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive for Business, and Teams connectors, the Domain field on the Create Connection modal has been renamed URL to better identify the information required in the field. All new Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive for Business, and Teams connections use OAuth 2.0 authorization. Non-OAuth 2.0 Microsoft connections can no longer be created in the application. This will not affect existing connections that do not use OAuth 2.0 authorization.
Network File Share (NFS)New Features and EnhancementsDryvIQ now supports Node.js version 14. Node.js version 12 is the lowest version DryvIQ now supports. When filtering the job list using the “Failed” status, users will receive an additional filter list to select if the list should show only jobs that failed, only jobs that failed to start, or show both. Learn more about job status filters here. The jobs list when manually selecting jobs for reports now displays the parent job name under the child job name to help users differentiate between jobs. The default delete_propagation value will be set to ignore_both if no selection is made in the user interface when creating a job. When the API returns the policies for a job, the default value will be returned when it is being used. The default conflict_resolution value will be set to conflict_copy if no selection is made in the user interface when creating a job. When the API returns the policies for a job, the default value will be returned when it is being used. DryvIQ now prevents any entity from being saved with just a space in the name. If a name field contains only a space, DryvIQ will apply a default name or present validation so a proper name can be assigned.
FixesGroup permission preservation now works when passthrough is enabled for jobs between two NFS connections. Lower case restricted segments are properly sanitized in Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive. Folders uploaded to Office 365 or OneDrive for Business with AMR enabled will no longer have a status of “None.” Text on the Reports creation pages was edited to correct display issues. Convention jobs with permissions will now correctly export the reports for child jobs.
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title | (November 19, 2020) |
New Features and EnhancementsFixesA fix to the Autodesk BIM 360 connector ensures Revit files transfer if there is an invalid URN. A fix to the Egnyte connector changes how URL encoding is applied to spaces and underscores when a rename, move, or copy operation is performed. A fix to the Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft Office 365 connectors prevents an “Item not found” error from being logged when items are created successfully in the root of OneDrive or Office 365.
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title | (November 3, 2020) |
New ConnectorsTwo new connectors are available in the DryvIQ platform to make connections to Microsoft GCC High environments. There is a new Microsoft Office 365 GCC High connector and a new Microsoft OneDrive for Business GCC High connector. Use the links below to learn more about each of the new connectors. New Features and EnhancementsFor Microsoft SharePoint Online, you can now map content types and managed metadata as part of the metadata mapping for a job. Use the links below to learn more about mapping each type of metadata. When creating a new Box connection through the user interface, you can now select the the delete behavior you want DryvIQ to use when deleting files or folders. A soft delete moves items to the trash/recycle bin, and a hard delete permanently removes the item. Soft delete is the default delete behavior; however, selecting to hard delete ensures the platform trash doesn’t fill up with unwanted files. This option was previously only available for Box through the REST API. Learn more here. You can now add a job filter that will include or exclude a file or folder based on the path. Learn more here. The username and password fields when setting up the SMTP server for email notifications are now optional to support servers that don’t require authentication. Learn more here. DryvIQ expanded its character replacement logic to include leading and trailing spaces in file and folder names. DryvIQ verifies file and folder names to identify unsupported characters based on the platform and replaces invalid characters with an underscore (_) so the files and folders can be transferred. The logic now includes leading and trailing spaces in file and folder names. DryvIQ replaces the space rather than trimming it because trimming the space could cause duplicate names. Adding the underscore ensures the names remains unique. Safeguards have been put in place to prevent system jobs from being deleted, reset, rescheduled, renamed, or duplicated. These options will not be available when selecting system jobs. DryvIQ has implemented length checks on usernames (4-255 characters), passwords (8-64 characters), and report names (1-2000 characters) to prevent unnecessary resource consumption.
FixesImpersonation using email lookup in a CSOM call no longer fails for the Microsoft OneDrive for Business connections. Shorter path filenames no longer get flagged with long URL errors for Microsoft OneDrive for Business connections. A fix for the Microsoft Office 365 connector prevents jobs from being stuck in a pending state by implementing a timeout if a status check request never responds. Files moving from NFS to Microsoft Office 365 no longer throw a “surrogate pair is invalid” error. SharePoint connectors no longer change the case of SharePoint library URLs. NFS connections can be selected when creating a network home drive mapping job in the user interface. When creating a job for an NFS connection in the user interface, sub-folders under a root desktop folder now display. Renaming nested folders on Box no longer results in an error during job execution. A NULL check was added to the Autodesk BIM 360 connector since not all environments return version information. The Autodesk BIM 360 connector only returns BIM 360 hubs and filters out legacy hubs. A fix for the Egnyte Connector prevents duplicate file renames when DryvIQ identifies a new version of the file in a sync job. When manually selecting jobs for a new report, the child job names will display with the convention job name in the list to help differentiate between the child jobs. Cancelled jobs no longer appear in the “Running” filter and can now be restarted. Broken context-sensitive helps links have been fixed. Broken links in DryvIQ’s API documents have been fixed. When creating a non-admin user in DryvIQ, the system no longer displays the incorrect message that the user will be given administrative privileges. Jobs with a job type “move” no longer delete folders that contain filtered items in nested subfolders. Scheduled jobs waiting for available resources to run are now properly in a “queued” status rather than “idle.” For simulation jobs using the duplicate_names:rename policy, DryvIQ no longer flags content with leading spaces as duplicates, and the content will be properly analyzed. DryvIQ no longer crashes when attempting to edit a custom date range filter on a duplicated job. Global throttle rules now respect the UTC time zone. The drop-down list for job options now hides after a selection has been made. Scheduled jobs that are started manually outside of the schedule will properly display a “running” status rather than being stuck in a “queued” status.
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title | (September 18, 2020) |
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The 4.17 update contained improvements for database performance. As a result of these improvements, DryvIQ requires SQL Server 2016 SP1 (or higher) standard. If you are using an older installation of SQL server, it will not work, and you will need to upgrade. |
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Support for GCC High is not included in this release as anticipated. DryvIQ is still working with Microsoft and partners to address connection issues. A formal announcement will be made in future release notes when DryvIQ supports GCCH. |
New Features and EnhancementsThree additional metadata fields have been added to the Documentum connector: smis:createdby, cmis:lastModifiedBy, and cmis:versionLabel. DryvIQ now populates the UserName with the UserPrincipalName in LDAP lookup.
FixesWhen migrating to Office 365, batch user lookup no longer fails with a “BadRequest” error when using author preservation and specifying external accounts. A check was added against empty user lookups in in Offcie 365 batch jobs. Stop policies added to job schedules are always respected. Fixed an issue with filtered items and item policy to delete an item after it has successfully transferred to the destination causing filtered items to be removed. Changes on Box were not always being detected during sync jobs. This issue has been resolved.
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title | (August 28, 2020) |
Note |
This update contains improvements for database performance. As a result of these improvements, the update may take longer to run than usual. Upgrade time is dependent on database size and will be roughly equivalent to the time it takes to backup and restore the database. As part of the database improvements, DryvIQ requires SQL Server 2016 SP1 (or higher) standard. If you are using an older installation of SQL server, it will not work, and you will need to upgrade. |
New Features and EnhancementsThis release includes SQL server database updates to improve performance and page loads. DryvIQ added the option to specify if you want to use a soft delete (move items to the trash/recycle bin) or hard delete (permanently remove) when deleting items. Soft delete is the default delete behavior; however, selecting to hard delete ensures the platform trash doesn’t fill up with unwanted files. This option will be available when creating new connectors in the user interface and through the REST API. For existing connectors, you can patch the connector to set the delete parameter. Refer to the individual connector documentation pages for more information. This parameter is available for the following connectors: The maximum file size for SharePoint Online is now 100 GB. DryvIQ supports version deletes for SharePoint. External permissions are now supported by the Egnyte connector. DryvIQ improved the way it handles transferring a specific number of versions for connectors that don’t support version deletes. When a specific transfer value is set and the destination platform doesn’t support version deletes, DryvIQ will use the following logic to determine how it handles transferring the versions: If the file doesn’t exist on destination, DryvIQ will respect the version limit set and only transfer the set number of versions during the initial copy/migration. If the file exists on destination, DryvIQ will migrate all new versions of the file from the source to the destination, even if it results in exceeding the file version limit set on version count. This ensures all new content is transferred. DryvIQ will log a warning to inform the user that the transfer took place and resulted in the transfer count being exceeded.
Additional permission details were added for FS/NFS. The lists used to choose the source and destination platforms when creating a job have been redesigned to improve usability and to provide the option to search for a connection. Learn more here. The modal used to create the job schedule has been redesigned to make it easier to create a job schedule. The Schedule settings and Stop Policy settings are now on separate tabs to help group related information. The Schedule tab is now divided into two sections that allow you to select to schedule the job to run on a time interval or to run at a specific time of the day. When you select one of the options, additional fields display so you can specify the information you want to use to customize the selected schedule option. Learn more here. Job patching has been updated to allow job schedule values to be set to null to clear the setting. For fields that have a default value, clearing the value sets the field back to the default value. Learn more here. Simulation is automatically enabled when you create a new job from the Simulation tab. The jobs list pulled through CLI and REST API now returns the discriminator for child jobs so you can readily identify them. Learn more here.
FixesVersions are properly respected for the Egnyte connector. Group mapping is properly applied when using the Egnyte connector. When applying permissions to FS/NFS, DryvIQ now sets Read Access using ReadAndExecute instead of Read to prevent losing access rights. Using the "Select all" option on the jobs grid would not properly select all jobs if there were more than 100 jobs. Now, all jobs are properly selected and the corresponding action (run, cancel, delete, etc.) is applied. Folder Mapping child jobs now properly inherit the stop policy on_execute setting from the parent job. Updates were made to job patching to ensure the entire job schedule definition is used when creating the new quartz schedule. The Sharing Insights were showing items that were only shared with groups as being shared with users. Paths that exceeded platform limitations were not being reported in simulation mode. The Learn More link for flagged items has been fixed to link out to the proper documentation page. The job status “started” has been changed to “queued” to more clearly indicate that the job has been queued to run but isn’t currently running. The Refresh link on Overview tab refreshes all data on the Sharing Insights on subsequent runs. Child jobs no longer default to "warn" for duplicate name setting and use the parent job setting. Scheduled jobs no longer go into a canceled state. When a new folder was created and an existing folder was moved into it after an initial job run, the content was being duplicated in both places after the next job is run. This issue has been resolved. The root folder is now tracked in the audit log. Metadata property values now populate when using the UI scripting function. The parent job field now populates when generating a report for a child job. The Export Full Permission Report includes just the permissions for the jobs in the selected categories. Group sharing shows when added after the job runs after a permission or full reset.
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title | (July 29, 2020) |
FixesUpdated JSON parser to accept documented syntax for global throttle rules via AppSettings.json file. Resolved a semaphore failure present when throttling was globally applied to a DryvIQ server. Fixed window-based bandwidth throttling.
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title | (July 17, 2020) |
FixesDryvIQ now transfers root folder author preservation and timestamp preservation for folder mapping jobs. Updates were made to ensure LDAP clients recover after a disconnect. When shared links are transferred to G Suite, they are automatically made searchable. To prevent this, DryvIQ added a new Allow File Discovery field to the Create Connection screen for G Suite. This new parameter allows you to stop shared links from being searchable. This parameter can also be set in the appSettings.config file by ensuring the allow_file_discovery parameter is set to FALSE. Learn more here. If folders spanned multiple batches, the author was being reset to be the connection users. Now, the author is properly retained.
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title | (July 2, 2020) |
FixesAuthor preservation for files within shared folders is properly applied. Inherited permissions are now properly applied when executing jobs between two Network File System (NFS) connectors. Permissions transferred on root folders will now properly track in the user interface. Root folder author and timestamp preservation transfers for folder mapping jobs. DryvIQ now includes an audit log entry when it disables inheritance for an item.
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title | (June 17, 2020) |
FixesAn issue where local built-in groups were not being flagged as built in has been resolved. Changes were made to user and group maps to ensure the “retain built-in accounts” option saves. A fix corrected an issue where IDs were missing from the SharedBy fields in the batch Manifest.xml. Issue with timeouts occurring when writing the metadata export and failure files have been resolved. The author preservation audit trails now populate as expected.
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title | (June 3, 2020) |
New ConnectorsDryvIQ now offers integration with the following platforms. You can learn more about each connector in the Platform Documentation Center. New Features and EnhancementsYou can now select the authentication type used when creating a SharePoint connector. This eliminates the need to do a separate REST API call to apply the authentication type. Learn more here. REST API calls can now be made to query the LDAP configuration being used for a connection. Learn more here. Several enhancement were made to simplify job creation. The enhancements include: The delete policy information that displays in the user interface when creating a job has been edited to more acutely reflect the behavior for each policy. The user interface now only displays delete policy options that are applicable to the job type selected (copy, sync, etc.) when creating the job. The Permission preservation page when creating a job will only display the User and group mapping section when you select either Preserve Item Ownership and/or Preserve Item Permission. Otherwise, the section remains hidden.
You can now set character sanitation to use URL encoding. The feature can only be turned on through a REST API call. When on, the feature replaces restricted characters in file and folder names with URL encoded characters rather than underscores. This can be set in the global configuration options or in the job options. Filters can now be applied to narrow the results of the Transfer Level Permission report pulled through a REST API call. Learn more here. Additional options are available when creating user and group maps. Learn more here.
FixesSince Reports can only be generated for Transfer or Simulation jobs, Job Type was removed as a filter option in the Reports Jobs list. Enabling FiddlerCore no longer disconnects connectors. For folder mapping jobs with ShareFile as the source, there was an issue that caused the paths to be altered when the child jobs were run. This issue has been resolved. All users now display so you can create user maps for the OpenText connector. Changes were made to prevent empty multi-row text fields in the OpenText connector.
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title | (April 8, 2020) |
New Features and EnhancementsDocumentum is now a supported connector. Learn more here. Syncplicity connections now support storage vault authentication (SVA). Learn more here. Support for SharePoint 2019 has been added to the Microsoft SharePoint connector. Learn more here.
Important information for customers currently using a SharePoint 2019 connection Customers already using a SharePoint 2019 connectionshould review the new sanitization rules outlined on the SharePoint connector documentation page. These rules will be applied to new content moving forward. Existing content may be sanitized when changed or renamed. The new rules will also be applied to all content when using the Hard Job Reset option. Since this option removes all tracking data, all content is handled as new content, and the sanitization rules will be applied. Newly sanitized file names may not match previously transferred file names, which can result in duplicate files being uploaded.
Disconnected connections can now be deleted in the user interface without having to refresh the credentials. Learn more here. When selecting the path for a new job, the modal now displays the full path hierarchy. When viewing transferred content on the Items tab in a job, you can hover on the location path to view the full path in a tool tip. Remote Sites now support Impersonation. Remote Sites now support OAuth 2.0 connections.
FixesFixes to convention jobs now allow users to specify the target directories for the source and destination when creating jobs in the user interface. The Validation tab updates to properly reflect content removed from the destination source in Simulation Mode. The Hash comparison on the Metadata import no longer creates custom metadata. Group Mapping in the user interface now displays a Load more link to ensure the full list of available groups can be viewed. Job Filtering is properly disabled when selected on the Advanced settings page when creating a job. The Sharing Insights for a Report group properly renders. Refreshing the page in the Remote Site manager no longer redirects to a bad URL. Reports now generate in the Remote Site manager. Jobs can now be duplicated on Remote Sites. Fixes made to prevent duplicate IDs ensure users can create an OpenText connector in the user interface. Filenames that contain periods are properly handled when transferring from OpenText to another connector. Migrations to Office 365 properly handle files with % in the filename. Modifications to the SharePoint on-premise connector solve an issue where users couldn’t create a connection to a specific site URL when the tenant has anonymous support enabled. Fixes to the Egnyte connector ensure access to user folders. An issue where Powershell scripts using the CLI did not read from the standard in some environments has been resolved. Impersonating a user with just email now properly transfers content to the proper account for ShareFile connections.
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title | (February 19, 2020) |
What’s NewYou can now select to delete multiple jobs at once from the Jobs list. Learn more here. The Transfer Level Permissions report can be exported for a single job or a report group in the user interface. Learn more here.
EnhancementsThe permissions import feature will now accept either the original permission import format or the Transfer Level Permission export format. Learn more here. Learn more here. The status breakdown is no longer displayed when the Select all option is used to select jobs in the grid. The breakdown will only display when 15 or less jobs are selected. This helps ensure the integrity of the statistics. Column settings are now preserved so edits you make to a column header in any grid will be retained until you edit the header again.
FixesModified by and modified date are now retained when uploading files through REST API endpoints without configuring a job. The Run as user toggle now correctly displays when adding a new connection while creating a job. Scheduled jobs set to run at a specific time now run at the scheduled time rather than the UTC equivalent. Improper pruning on sync jobs no longer occurs if the destination doesn’t support pruning but the source does. Issues with group mapping for batch jobs for Office 365/OneDrive for Business have been resolved. Copy jobs with mirror deletes no longer delete files from the destination that never existed on the source.
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title | (December 30, 2019) |
What’s NewEmail notifications can now be set at the global or user level to notify subscribers about events in the application. Use these links to learn more about global notifications and user notifications. You can now reset a job so it will reevaluate the content tracking for a job on the next run. Learn more here. A Transfer Permissions report is now available through the REST API. Learn more here.
EnhancementsDryvIQ now supports Dropbox’s ACL feature. Additional options are available for selection as column headers for the Jobs grid. The Validation tab now displays when running a job in simulation mode. Label changes were made to change “Transferred” to “Succeeded” to clarify that items were handled successfully regardless of whether the items were transferred during a job. Validation rules have been updated to match Microsoft’s updated specifications (including leading periods and maximum file sizes).
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