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The Procore connector in DryvIQ allows you to analyze, migrate, copy, and synchronize files between your Procore project documents and your cloud storage repositories and/or on-premise network file shares. The first step is to create the Procore connection by providing the connection information required for DryvIQ to connect to the project. The connector can be created using any Procore user account with permissions to access the project documents. Once the connector is created, you can use it to create the jobs needed to manage the content.

DryvIQ currently only supports connecting to specific projects under a company and not to the company itself.

Create Connection | User Interface

  1. Select Connections > Add connection.

  2. Select Procore as the platform on the Add connection modal.

  3. Enter the connection information. Reference the table below for details about each field.

  4. Select Sign in with Procore.

  5. On the Log In modal, enter the required credentials and select Log In

  6. You will see a "Connection test succeeded" message on the Add connection modal. (If you don't see this message, repeat the sign in and authorization steps above.)

  7. Select Done.

Add connection modal - Procore


Add connection modal - Use Custom Credentials







Display as

Enter the display name for the connection. If you will be creating multiple connections, ensure the name readily identifies the connection. The name displays in the application, and you can use it to search for the connection and filter lists.

If you do not add a display name, the connection will automatically be named “Procore.”  DryvIQ recommends you enter a name that more readily identifies the connection, especially if you will be creating multiple connections.


Platform API Credentials


Use the system default client credentials 

Select this option to use the default DryvIQ client application credentials.


Use custom client credentials 

Select this option to use custom client credentials provided by your administrator. When selected, three additional fields will be available to enter the credentials.



This field displays only when you select Use custom client credentials. Enter the Procore login URL: https://api.procore.com/


Client ID

This field displays only when you select Use custom client credentials. Enter the client ID required to access the the account. This value will be provided by your administrator. 


Client Secret

This field displays only when you select Use custom client credentials. Enter the client secret required to access the account. This value will be provided by your administrator. 



Procore Customer Log In 


Connection Test Succeeded


Features and Limitations

Platforms all have unique features and limitations. DryvIQ’s transfer engine manages these differences between platforms and allows you to configure actions based on Job Policies and Behaviors. The information below is platform specific. Use the Platform Comparison tool to see how your integration platforms may interact regarding features and limitations. 

Files and Folders

Below is list of Procore supported and unsupported features as well as additional file/folder restrictions. 

Supported Features

Unsupported Features

Other Features/Limitations

Supported Features

Unsupported Features

Other Features/Limitations

Tags map

Account map

Invalid characters: / < > : \ \\ | ? *

Version preservation

Author/Owner preservation

File size maximum: N/A


File lock propagation

Path length maximum: 255


Group map

Segment path length: N/A


Metadata map

Restricted types: N/A


Mirror lock ownership

No trailing whitespace before extensions


Permission preservation

No trailing whitespace after extensions


User impersonation



Timestamp preservation


Rate Limits

The Procore API allows 3,600 calls per hour per client. For jobs set to run on a schedule, DryvIQ attempts to balance the rate limit and scale back on the content being handled to prevent reaching the limit. If DryvIQ can’t transfer all the content due to the hourly rate limit, the remaining content will be transferred as part of the next job run when the rate limit resets.

Service Accounts

To aid with tracking when using a Procore Service Account, you should ensure that “DryvIQ” appears in the Service Account name. Refer to the Procore support information regarding how to Add, Modify, or Delete a Service Account.

Instead of using a Service Account, another option is to create a user named “DryvIQ” and to approve the integration through this user. This user will act like a Service Account and allow you to implement permissions without using a Service Account.

Create Connection | REST API

You have the option of creating a connection using DryvIQ’s default client credentials or to create the connection using custom credentials unique to your account.


Create a Connection Using DryvIQ’s Credentials

The example below shows how to create a Procore connection using DryvIQ’s default application credentials. The GET message will return a login link. Use the link to complete logging into the account and to grant DryvIQ access to the account.

GET {{url}}v1/connections/platforms/procore/new

Create a Job | REST API Job Configuration Example

The sample code below shows how to create a job for a Procore connection created to connect as a standard user.

POST {{url}}v1/jobs

POST {{url}}v1/jobs

{ "name":"Simple Job", "kind": "transfer", "transfer": { "transfer_type": "copy", "source": { "connection": { "id": "Source connection ID" }, "target": { "path": "/sourceDocumentLibrary" } }, "destination": { "connection": { "id": "Destination Connection ID" }, "target": { "path": "/destinationFolder" } }, "simulation_mode": false }, "schedule": { "mode": "manual" }, "stop_policy": { "on_success": 5, "on_failure": 5, "on_execute": 25 }, "category": { "name": "Report {Name}" } }


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DryvIQ Migrate Version: 5.9.4
Release Date: March 6, 2025