Log Report
On This Page
The Log maintains an audit log of activity for every item identified in a job. It allows you to view both informational and error activity for items grouped by date and time.
Filtering Activity
By default, all activity displays. You can filter the lists to display specific activity or errors.
Filtering the Log Timeline
The Log defaults to show the full activity history (From all time). You can use the other preset filters to view activity for last week, yesterday, or today.
If preferred, you can use the From and To fields to specify a custom date and time filter.
Sorting the Log
The list sorts the activity from newest to oldest, but you can select to sort from oldest to newest as needed.
Viewing Log Details
For each item in the log, the screen displays the activity level and more information about the reason the item falls into this category. You can hover on long descriptions and view the full information.
Invalid Path Errors
If there is an error for an invalid path, the error will take the following form: Invalid path <full_path>: Reason.
The reason will vary based on what triggered the error. The reason may include a general error message, or it may include the segment part of the path that caused the error and/or additional information that caused the error based on job parameters. Some examples of reason text that will display are listed below.
Segment <path_segment> contains double period
Segment <path_segment> is in the list of excluded constants
Segment <path_segment> starts with a space
Segment <path_segment> ends with a period
Segment <path_segment> ends with a space
Segment <path_segment> ends with a tilde
Segment <path_segment> ends with an underscore
Path <path_segment> exceeds maximum total length of <MaxTotalLength>
Segment <path_segment> exceeds maximum segment depth of <MaxSegmentDepth>
Segment <path_segment> exceeds maximum segment length of <MaxSegmentLength>
Segment <path_segment> contains invalid characters
Segment <path_segment> starts with a period
Segment <path_segment> starts with a tilde
Segment <path_segment> starts with an underscore
Segment <path_segment> contains an extension which is excluded
Segment <path_segment> empty after sanitizing
Segment <path_segment> is not well formed
Directory navigation characters are invalid
<path1> is not a parent of <path2>
Non-root segment cannot be null or empty
Path is null or empty
Not allowed to delete well known folder
Not allowed to rename well known folder
Path is longer than the system-defined maximum length
Unable to enumerate the contents of <path>
Unable to parse system file info for <path>
Unable to build duplicate file name
Exporting the Log
Use the Export this log link to export the activity log to a csv file. The export will reflect any filters used to view the log. The export contains the following information.
Field | Description |
job_id | The ID assigned to the job in the DryvIQ Platform |
job_name | The job name |
Parent_job_name | The parent job name. This field is only available on the job list downloaded from the Child Jobs tab or the Log tab within the parent job. |
source_path | The source path used for the job |
source_id | The ID assigned to the source connection used for the job. The ID is assigned by the DryvIQ Platform when the connection is created. |
source_name | The name assigned to the source when it was created in the DryvIQ Platform |
source_account | The account on the source platform used for the job |
destination_path | The destination path used for the job |
destination_id | The ID assigned to the destination connection used for the job. The ID is assigned by the DryvIQ Platform when the connection is created. |
destination_name | The name assigned to the source when it was created in the DryvIQ Platform |
destination_account | The account on the destination platform used for the job |
successful_item_count | The number of items in the job that were successfully transferred |
flagged_item_count | The number of items in the job that were flagged for review. These are items that were flagged because they could not be transferred or because there was an issue with the transfer that needs to be reviewed. |
number_of_executions | The number of times the job has run |
last_failure_message | The last failure message the job received (if applicable) |
Microsoft Excel has a maximum limit of 1,048,576 rows. When opening the export file, Excel will display a message to warn you if your file exceeds the maximum supported rows, and the excess content will not be displayed. See Microsoft’s Excel specifications and limits for more information. Refer to Exporting Large Data Sets in Chunks if you need to export more than the maximum limit.
Log Report | REST API
Job audit for all transfers
GET {{url}}v1/transfers/auditing
Job audit for all jobs showing only errors
GET {{url}}v1/transfers/auditing?level=error
Job audit for a job
GET {{url}}v1/transfers/{{job}}/auditing?include=all
Job audit for a job showing only warnings
GET {{url}}v1/transfers/{{job}}/auditing?level=warn
Job audit for a job showing only errors
GET {{url}}v1/transfers/{{job}}/auditing?level=error