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The Docusign connector allows you to migrate your Docusign documents from your Docusign account to your content storage platform. Because this connector is created with read-only access, the connection will be able to read content but cannot be used to create or take action against it. Therefore, the connector can be used as a source connection for Migrate jobs. The connector should not be used as the destination connection.

Creating a Connection

  1. Expand the Manage section in the left navigation menu.

  2. Click Connections.

  3. Click Add connection.

  4. Select Docusign as the platform on the Add connection modal.

  5. Enter the connection information. Reference the table below for details about each field.

  6. Click Sign in with Docusign.

  7. You will be prompted to provide the email address and password for the account you are using to create the connection. (If multi-factor verification is set up for your Docusign account, you will be required to complete additional verification steps as well.)

  8. You will see a green "Connected” message on the bottom of the modal when DryvIQ establishes connection. (If the connection fails, verify the information you entered.)

  9. Click Done to finish creating the connection. 


Add Connection Modal for Docusign

Docusign Use System Default Client Credentials
Docusign Use Custom Credentials







Display as

Enter the display name for the connection. If you will be creating multiple connections, ensure the name readily identifies the connection. The name displays in the application, and you can use it to search for the connection and filter lists.


Platform API Credentials


Use the system default client credentials 

Select this option to use the default DryvIQ client application.


Use custom client credentials 

Select this option to use custom client credentials provided by your administrator. When selected, two additional fields will be available to enter the credentials.


Client ID 

This field displays only when you select Use custom client credentials. This is the client ID required to connect to the Docusign account. This value will be provided by your administrator. 


Client Secret 

This field displays only when you select Use custom client credentials. This is the client secret required to connect to the Docusign account. This value will be provided by your administrator. 


Features and Limitations

Platforms all have unique features and limitations. DryvIQ’s transfer engine manages these differences between platforms and allows you to configure actions based on Job Policies and Behaviors. Use the Platform Comparison tool to see how your integration platforms may interact regarding features and limitations. 

Supported Features  

Unsupported Features  

Other Features/Limitations  

Supported Features  

Unsupported Features  

Other Features/Limitations  

Account map

 Author/Owner preservation

File size maximum: 25 MB
(See File Size Limits below.)

Group map

File and folder creation and modification

Invalid characters: / \\

Permission preservation
(See Permissions below.)

 File lock propagation

 Restricted types: Docusign supports only a specific file formats. See Supported File Formats below.


Metadata map

Segment path length: 255


Mirror lock ownership



Path length maximum



Tags map



Timestamp preservation



User impersonation



Version preservation


Docusign File Size Limits

Docusign limits individual files uploads within an envelope to 25 MB. Envelopes are limited to 130 documents. Refer to the following Docusign Support pages for more information: File Size Limitations for an Envelope and Docusign Document and Envelope File Size Limitations. The Docusign connector currently only supports moving content out of a Docusign account; therefore, the Docusign file size limits are less of an issue for the Docusign platform, and you need to verify your destination platform size limit is above 25 MB (which most platforms support).

Docusign File Size Reporting

Docusign does not track file size and provide it as part of its API. Therefore, DryvIQ cannot report on the content size for Docusign. When viewing migration job reports or discovery scan results in DryvIQ, the content size will be reported as 0 B.


Item Permissions

Docusign permissions are based on permission profiles. Each user is assigned a permission profile, and a user has the same access to all items to which the profile grants the user access. If you enable permission preservation for a migration, DryvIQ will assign item permissions as follows when transferring items to the destination platform.

Docusign Permission Profile

New Permission Access Right

Docusign Permission Profile

New Permission Access Right







Custom Profile with account management permissions
(allowAccountManagement setting)


Custom Profile without account management permissions


Shared Access

Docusign supports shared access through authorizations that are applied per user, so all items will have the same shared accounts. However, there are different levels of access. If you enable permission preservation for a migration, DryvIQ will assign shared access permissions as follows when transferring items to the destination platform.

Docusign Permission Profile

New Permission Access Right

Docusign Permission Profile

New Permission Access Right









Shared Templates

When a template owner shares a template with another account, the template will be listed on the account's Shared with me page. However, the template will not be transferred as part of the account’s content unless it is moved into the account’s Shared Folders using the Share to Folders option. The Docusign API will not read templates outside of the Shared Folders.

Docusign Shared Folders.png

Shared Templates in DryvIQ

Templates will be shared to the Administrators group during migration.

Supported File Formats

Docusign eSignature supports the following file formats. However, Docusign does not support password security, so you must remove the security settings before DryvIQ can upload the file. Refer to Docusign support for more information about supported file types for Docusign eSignature.

Document Category

Supported Formats

Document Category

Supported Formats


.doc, .docm, .docx, .dot, .dotm, .dotx, .htm, .html, .msg, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .wpd, .xhtml, .xps


.bmp, .gif, .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff


.pot, .potx, .pps, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx


.csv, .xls, .xlsm, .xlsx


Related content

DryvIQ Migrate Version: 5.9.4
Release Date: March 6, 2025