Platform API Client Credentials

Platform API Client Credentials

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When creating certain connections, you have the option to specify which API client credentials you want to use for the connection. These credentials are used to get an Access Token that is required to access your platform account. You should consult your system administrator about which platform credentials should be used for your connection. 

Use the System Default Client Credentials

This option creates the connection using the default DryvIQ client application credentials. 


Use Custom Client Credentials

This option allows you to use custom client credentials provided by your administrator. When selected, two additional fields will be available to enter the credentials: Client ID and Client Secret. You'll use these fields to enter the Client ID and Client Secret for your platform account. DryvIQ will use this information to access the platform. 


Supported Connections

The following connections require you to specify which API client credentials you want to use to connect to the platform:

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