Navigating the Navigation Screen
Navigating the Navigation Screen
The Navigation screen allows you to view files and folder structures in any connector that has already been created. You can also create, delete and move files and folders from one connector to the other or within connectors, without creating a job. You can also create jobs from within Navigation by designating folders as either the source or destination. Additionally through impersonation you can view file/folder structures of different users within the same connector. Below you will find short step by steps on how to perform various functions.
Copy and Paste/Drag and Drop
In this section we will go over how to copy files and or folders either within the same connector or across connectors. For teaching purposes we are assuming that multiple connectors have already been created. The same steps/process below can also be used to cut and paste files as well.
1) Access the Navigation Screen by clicking Navigation
2) Click on one of the created connectors
3) Find and select the desired files(s) or folder(s)
4) Right click and select copy
5) Go to the connector/folder where you wish to copy the data too
6) Right Click and select paste
7) You can also Drag and Drop the desired files/folders to the desired destination as well
Create a Job from Navigator
From the Navigation you are able to set either the source or destination after selecting a folder or connector.
1) Access the Navigation Screen
2) Select your desired connector or either the source or destination
3) Drill down to your desired source or destination
4) Right Click the folder and select Set as Source or Set as Destination depending
5) Finish creating the job
, multiple selections available,
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