Depending on the connectors selected Author Preservation can be selected as an Advanced Option. This allows you SkySync preserve the author/creator of files that are transferred between two connectors.
While SkySync will automatically attempt to map users based on various rules, such as name and actual ID, it is also possible to map specific users to each other. This is useful when a user no longer exists or when a users name is different from one platform to the next.
Connectors That Support Author Preservation or Author Preservation (Source Only)
The following connectors support Author Preservation
Drop Box for Business
G Suite
Box (Enterprise Only)
Office 365
One Drive Fpr Business
Oracle Web Center
The following connectors support Author Preservation as the source only
Citrix Sharefile
My Computer
Network File Share
One Drive
Open Stack
Open Text
How to Enable Author Preservation
1) After the job has been created click on the blue Advanced.
2) Check the box for Enable author-preservation.
3) Once Enable author-preservation has been checked the option for Map User Accounts should become visible.
If specific user accounts need to be mapped click on the blue Add
If user accounts do not need to be explicitely mapped then you can hit OK to create the job.
How to Map User Accounts
1) Click on the blue "Add" to the right of Map User Accounts
2) At this point you can choose whether you wish to utilize the Default settings
You can also set defaults for unresolved accounts on either the source or destination
If you need to map individual users to eachother check the box for "Use Advanced Settings"
3) After checking "Use Advanced Settings" enter the name of the User Account on the Source and Destination and then hit the Green button
After hitting the green button the user accounts should be visible as mapped.
You can also name the User Account Map for use on future jobs.
4) Map as many users as needed and then hit OK to save the User Map.