Discover Insights: Sharing & Access Control
On This Page
Sharing & Access Control provides insights into your shared content. The top of the page identifies the percentage of your content that is shared internally and externally. The number of files that make up each percentage is also displayed. The charts on the page display the sharing breakdown for different categories. All charts are interactive, so if you click on a section in any chart, you will be taken to the Results page, and the results will be filtered based on the selected sharing category.
By default, the charts display information for all locations. If you want the charts to show information for specific locations, select Files across selected scans and select the locations you want to use to filter the information. Refer to Selecting Scans for information on how to use select scans. To view information for all locations again, select Files across all scans. The statistics at the top of the page always display the information for all locations and are not affected by the location selections made here.
Once the locations are set, click Files across selected scans if you need to review which locations are selected.
Shared By Link
This chart provides a chart view of the content shared using a link. For reference, this section also includes information for the content not shared using links. Hover over any bar to see the exact file count in each category.
Shared By User
This chart breaks down the shared content based on the number of users to which it has been shared. These are the same groupings that are available in the Sharing Reach filter on the Results page: Not shared, Shared with 1 user, Shared with 2-5 users, and Shared with more than 5 users. Each color-coded category matches the corresponding section of the chart. Hover over a section in the chart to view the number of files in each category.
Shared By Group
This chart breaks down the shared content based on the number of groups to which it has been shared. These are the same groupings that are available in the Sharing Reach filter on the Results page: Not shared, Shared with 1 group, Shared with 2-5 groups, Shared with more than 5 groups, and Overshared. Each color-coded category matches the corresponding section on the chart. Hover on a section in the chart to view the number of files in each category.
If a file is included in the overshared category, it will not be included in any other category. The Overshared category identifies files shared with a group that provides access to a potentially large audience. This is determined based on sharing options available per platform. Refer to Filtering the Discover Results for more information on the Overshared flag and how it is handled for different platforms.
Removing Sharing Categories
You can remove sharing categories from both the Shared By User and Shared By Group chart results by clicking on the category in the chart legend. The category name will display with a strikethrough to indicate it has been removed. Click the category again to add it back to the chart results.
Copying Charts
All charts have a Copy option that allows you to copy the chart to your computer’s clipboard. This allows you to paste the chart as an image into email messages, documents, etc. as needed.
Saving Charts
The Save button allows you to save the chart as a PNG image file. The file will download to the folder specified as the default download location for your browser. Once downloaded, you can insert the image into documents or email messages as needed.